Alisud - Gesac Handling - Servisair 2 SCARL v. US

  1. July 18, 2024

    Fed. Circ. OKs Navy Deal Despite Contractor's Labor Unrest

    The Federal Circuit denied Thursday a contractor's protest bids for U.S. Navy aircraft services contracts at two European bases, rejecting arguments that the lower court didn't properly consider the winning contractor's past labor violations and that the U.S. Supreme Court's overturning of the so-called Chevron doctrine "upends" the underlying decision.

  2. July 02, 2024

    Contractor Says Chevron Reversal 'Upends' Navy Deal Suit

    A military contractor seeking to undo the U.S. Navy's contract with a competitor for support services at European bases has told the Federal Circuit that the U.S. Supreme Court's recent overturning of the so-called Chevron doctrine "upends" the underlying decision in its suit.

  3. May 10, 2024

    Navy Defends Retaining Contractor Facing Labor Unrest

    The U.S. Navy on Friday rebutted a Federal Circuit judge's suggestion that it might have turned "a blind eye" to a contractor's alleged labor law violations, saying it followed its obligations under procurement law to assess both performance and ethics.