Summer v. Detroit Public Schools Community District et al

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Case Number:


See also:


Michigan Eastern

Nature of Suit:

Civil Rights: Other


F. Kay Behm


Sectors & Industries:

  1. February 16, 2024

    Jewish Teacher Says Bias Suit Dismissal Flouted Case Law

    A Jewish middle school teacher who claims she faced unfair treatment at work due to her religion and repercussions for posting on Facebook about an assault by a student has urged a federal judge to rethink an early win granted to her school district against her retaliation and bias claims.

  2. February 01, 2024

    Detroit School District Escapes Jewish Teacher's Bias Suit

    The Detroit public schools defeated a Jewish teacher's suit claiming she was assigned to students with behavioral issues because of her religion and faced discipline for complaining online that a student attacked her, a Michigan federal judge said, ruling her post wasn't protected by federal law.

  3. July 11, 2023

    Jewish Teacher Says Bias, Retaliation Suit Should Continue

    A Detroit teacher urged a Michigan federal court not to toss her suit alleging school administrators penalized her for being Jewish and tried to fire her for complaining on social media about their response to a student's attack, arguing the First Amendment protects her comments.