November 27, 2024
A Tenth Circuit panel's decision that a distributor who didn't cross state lines could dodge federal arbitration requirements would abolish almost all arbitration pacts, Flowers Foods said, urging the full court to weigh in on what it called an erroneous ruling.
November 12, 2024
The Tenth Circuit declined Tuesday to disturb a ruling that a baking company can't boot to arbitration a distributor's lawsuit alleging he was denied overtime pay, finding the worker is exempt from arbitration because he's engaged in interstate commerce even though he doesn't cross state lines.
September 24, 2024
A Tenth Circuit judge suggested Tuesday that the maker of Wonder bread wanted the court to set employment precedent without crucial information, saying the court lacked detail about a wholesaler's relationship with the food manufacturer.
May 10, 2024
Cases that were in the judicial pipeline when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling on what workers qualify for a carveout from federal arbitration law are poised to be among the first that apply its holding. Here, Law360 discusses three cases that were frozen in anticipation of the high court's decision.
October 24, 2023
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to hear a case this term exploring whether a worker is exempt from federal arbitration law by virtue of their role in transportation is poised to make an impact on employment litigation already in the judicial pipeline, months before the justices issue their opinion. Here, Law360 reviews four cases that could soon see an impact.