Neal Bissonnette, et al., Petitioners v. LePage Bakeries Park St., LLC, et al.

  1. December 20, 2024

    The 4 Biggest W&H Rulings Of 2024

    In 2024, key U.S. Department of Labor rules came under fire with mixed results and the transportation worker exemption to federal arbitration law was refined even more. Here, Law360 explores four of the most significant decisions of 2024.

  2. December 06, 2024

    High Court Bar's Future: Gupta Wessler's Jennifer Bennett

    As a litigator for workers and consumers, Jennifer D. Bennett made her debut at the U.S. Supreme Court at an inauspicious time, when conservative justices were consistently helping corporations move major cases onto advantageous turf in arbitration. But since then, Bennett has amassed a flawless argument record and helped to turn the tide, making her one of the high court's most promising young advocates.

  3. November 01, 2024

    Wheeling & Appealing: The Latest Must-Know Appellate Action

    One circuit court will hold an oral argument for the history books, with dizzying logistics and stakes surpassing almost anything on the U.S. Supreme Court's calendar. Other circuit showdowns will delve into the high court's latest opinions and flesh out fascinating feuds involving big beer brands and emerging theories of "administrative state" overreach. All that and more is making November a month of exceptional appellate intrigue.

  4. July 02, 2024

    6 Major Rulings For Wage-Hour Attorneys So Far In 2024

    In the first half of 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court decided a pair of cases addressing arbitration in wage and hour litigation, the Sixth Circuit weighed minimum wage for pizza delivery drivers and a New York decision created an appellate split on timely pay requirements. Here, Law360 recaps those rulings and four other major decisions so far this year.

  5. May 10, 2024

    3 Cases Poised To Apply High Court's Arbitration Ruling

    Cases that were in the judicial pipeline when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling on what workers qualify for a carveout from federal arbitration law are poised to be among the first that apply its holding. Here, Law360 discusses three cases that were frozen in anticipation of the high court's decision.

  6. May 02, 2024

    How Wage Cases Are Changing Federal Arbitration

    Over the past month, the scope of a federal exemption to arbitration has evolved as appellate courts have refined an important access point for workers to pursue their claims in court. Here, Law360 looks at several cases that have recently made waves in federal arbitration.

  7. April 18, 2024

    Arbitration Issue Lingers After Justices' Wage Case Ruling

    A U.S. Supreme Court ruling that a transportation worker arbitration carveout hinges on what workers do, not the industry in which they work, resolved one issue related to the exemption while avoiding others in delivery and ride-hail driver wage and hour litigation, attorneys said.

  8. April 15, 2024

    Arbitration Carveout's Scope To Turn On Where Line Is Drawn

    Following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision that a worker's job duties are key for determining whether someone is exempt from federal arbitration law, the fight will turn to where lower courts draw the line for how much transportation work is enough to get the carveout, attorneys told Law360.

  9. April 12, 2024

    High Court Keeps Arbitration Exemption's Focus On Workers

    The U.S. Supreme Court held Friday that distributors who delivered Tastykake, Wonder bread and other baked goods to retailers may qualify for an exemption from the Federal Arbitration Act that could let them keep their wage-and-hour suit in court.

  10. February 22, 2024

    Eyes On State Arbitration As Justices Weigh Federal Carveout

    As the U.S. Supreme Court considers whether an interstate transportation worker exemption to federal arbitration law depends on a worker’s industry, attorneys said employers could avoid the issue by rewriting arbitration agreements to focus instead on state arbitration laws. Here, Law360 explores the issue.