Jenkins v. NC Department of Transportation et al

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Case overview

Case Number:



North Carolina Western

Nature of Suit:

Civil Rights: Other


Max O. Cogburn, Jr


  1. June 26, 2024

    NCDOT Settles Ex-Worker's Breast Milk Pumping Area Suit

    The North Carolina Department of Transportation and a former employee who accused it of failing to provide clean, private space for its nursing workers to pump their breast milk have agreed to settle their dispute, according to new documents filed in federal court.

  2. December 20, 2023

    NC Dept. Can't Exit Former Worker's Breast-Pumping Suit

    The North Carolina Department of Transportation must face a former employee's lawsuit claiming she was denied adequate space to pump breast milk after returning from maternity leave, as a federal judge rejected the state agency's assertion that her allegations were too thin to stay in court.