Fontenot v. National Collegiate Athletic Association et al

  1. July 24, 2024

    Even With Deal, Athletes Still Fighting For Share Of NCAA Pie

    College athletes suing for a cut of NCAA television revenue in Colorado federal court have stressed that they will continue to litigate even if the settlement of a massive class action over name, image and likeness rights in California receives court approval.

  2. May 23, 2024

    NCAA Can't Move Colo. Athlete Pay Case

    A Colorado federal judge on Thursday rejected a bid by the National Collegiate Athletic Association and collegiate athletic conferences to move athletes' compensation allegations to California, where two similar cases are being heard, highlighting the choice by named plaintiffs to have their claims heard in Colorado.

  3. May 22, 2024

    Likely NCAA Deal Negates Need For Transfer, Athletes Say

    Athletes suing the National Collegiate Athletics Association in Colorado over compensation rules have told a Colorado federal judge that the NCAA may have undermined its own bid to transfer the suit to California, citing recent news reports that the NCAA is in settlement talks in two other cases in the Northern District of California.

  4. April 11, 2024

    NCAA Athletes Can't Get MDL Over Compensation Rules

    The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation denied the request of NCAA athletes to centralize two suits accusing the organization and five major college sports conferences of exercising a monopoly over labor in Division I sports by not allowing student-athletes to be compensated for their performances.

  5. February 22, 2024

    Athletes' NCAA Suit Will Wait For JPML

    College athletes fighting for a slice of the broadcasting profits their games earn will have to wait until the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation decides whether to consolidate their case with another similar suit before they continue briefing, a Colorado federal judge has ruled.

  6. February 06, 2024

    College Players Fight NCAA's Bid To Pause Suit For JPML

    Former college athletes urged a Colorado federal judge not to pause their proposed class action seeking a piece of broadcasting profits, arguing there's no reason to let the NCAA and major conferences pump the breaks while a multidistrict litigation panel mulls a transfer motion.

  7. January 23, 2024

    NCAA Seeks Pause Of Colo. Suit Amid Consolidation Review

    The NCAA and various conferences have asked a Colorado federal judge to pause a proposed class action filed by a group of athletes hoping to share in the profits of televised sports matches, while a multidistrict litigation panel mulls a motion to transfer the case.

  8. November 21, 2023

    Athletes Deserve Share Of NCAA's TV Revenue, Suit Says

    A former college running back has filed a proposed class action against the NCAA in Colorado federal court saying student athletes deserve a share of the "ever-increasing" revenue generated from television deals.