December 06, 2017
IN RE: EQUIFAX, INC., Customer Data Security Breach Litigation
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Multi Party Litigation:
Class Action, Multi-district Litigation
- Sarraf Gentile
- Sauder Schelkopf
- Fee Smith
- Savell & Williams
- Buckley Bala
- Abbey Spanier
- Carney Bates
- Edwards & Culver
- Mastando & Artrip
- Saltz Mongeluzzi
- Church Law Firm
- The Cottle Firm
- Steckler Wayne
- Finkelstein Thompson
- First Albrecht
- Annabelle Lee Patterson PLC
- Lacy Price
- Lieff Cabraser
- Hall & Lampros
- Quinn Connor Weaver
- Weinberg Wheeler
- Girardi & Keese
- Shelsby & Leoni
- Gordon Wolf & Carney
- Godfrey & Kahn
- Dilworth Paxson
- Bailey & Galyen
- Shub & Johns
- Callison Tighe
- Boehl Stopher
- Levin Sedran
- Haeggquist & Eck
- Chestnut Cambronne
- Stack Fernandez
- Verrill Dana
- Smith Phillips
- Clifford Law Offices
- Steel Wright Gray
- Cotchett Pitre
- Cohen Hirsch
- Gardy & Notis
- Motley Rice
- Roxanne Conlin & Associates
- Keller Rohrback
- Law Office of Nicholas F. Ortiz
- Law Office of Rick Morin
- Mason LLP (Washington, DC)
- Chimicles Schwartz
- Holzer & Holzer
- Barnow & Associates
- Gross & Belsky
- Geragos & Geragos
- Law Offices of Gary Green
- Cooper & Kirk
- Schubert Jonckheer
- Kohn Swift
- Knepper & Clark
- Berman Fink
- Abbott Law Group PA
- Goldman Scarlato
- Reinhardt Wendorf
- Smith Gildea
- Lee Holen Law Office
- Squitieri & Fearon
- Gianola Barnum
- Giatras Law Firm
- Murray Law Firm LLC
- Stein Mitchell
- City of Chicago Department of Law
- Whittel & Melton
- Dorros Law
- Law Office of Brian M. Garvine
- Gillen Withers
- Gustafson Gluek
- MoloLamken
- Sommers Schwartz
- King & Spalding
- Girard Sharp
- DiCello Levitt
- Ahdoot & Wolfson
- FeganScott
- Javerbaum Wurgaft
- Hausfeld LLP
- Lakeshore Law Center
- Kopelowitz Ostrow
- Brett H. Oppenheimer PLLC
- Mickelsen Dalton
- McNabb Bragorgos
- Stranch Jennings
- Blood Hurst
- Haber Law PA
- Pope McGlamry
- Grabar Law
- Barrack Rodos
- Koskoff Koskoff
- Buether Joe
- Schneider Wallace
- Evangelista Worley
- Arnall Golden
- Southern Med Law
- Kozyak Tropin
- Reid Collins
- Weatherby Law Firm
- Webb Klase
- Clay Taulbee
- Turke & Strauss
- Colson Hicks
- Teske Katz
- Maddox Hargett
- Law Offices of Todd M. Friedman
- Goldenberg Schneider
- Fried Frank
- McKenney & Froelich
- McRae Bertschi
- Griffin & Strong
- Edelson PC
- Beck Amsden
- Bailey & Glasser
- Coffman Law Firm
- McDowell Hetherington
- Grossman Roth
- Mee Mee
- Duncan Law Group
- Cohen Rosenthal
- Krevolin & Horst
- Finley Firm
- Wolf Haldenstein
- Gray & White
- Wyche PA
- Robin Frazer Clark PC
- East End Trial Group
- Hartley Law Group
- Bochner IP
- Bandas Law Firm
- Haines & Krieger
- Trief & Olk
- Abraham Fruchter
- Finkelstein Blankinship
- Messerli Kramer
- Stueve Siegel
- Battle & Winn
- The Law Offices of Steven E. Armstrong
- Baxter & Baxter LLP
- Kaplan Fox
- Conley Griggs
- Milberg Coleman
- Beasley Allen
- Rusing Lopez
- Solberg Stewart
- Heninger Garrison
- Kerkman & Dunn
- Federman & Sherwood
- Spector Roseman
- Cook & Connelly
- Woodstock Law PC
- Berger Montague
- Sacks Weston
- Beggs & Lane
- Morgan & Morgan
- Stone & Magnanini
- Heins Mills
- Berezofsky Law Group LLC
- Schack Law Group
- Seeger Weiss
- Cohen Milstein
- Carstens Allen
- Robbins Geller
- Smith Gambrell
- Herman Gerel
- Hermina Law Group
- Pomerantz LLP
- Locks Law Firm
- Hagens Berman
- Taft Stettinius
- Dentons
- TorHoerman Law
- Robinson & Cole
- Cohen & Malad
- Clark Hill
- Law Offices of Gerald S. Ohn
- Faruqi & Faruqi
- Buckner & Miles
- Dann Law Firm
- Bisnar Chase
- Phillips Erlewine
- Nixon Vogelman
- Quinn Emanuel
- Hamilton Lincoln
- Lynch Carpenter
- Murphy Falcon
- Pittman Dutton
- Harris Lowry
- Lockridge Grindal
- Dennis Corry
- Polsinelli PC
- Kabateck LLP
- Bursor & Fisher
- Bronstein Gewirtz
- Snell & Wilmer
- Schneider & Branch
- DeWoskin Law Firm
- Fleming Law Firm PLLC
- Withersworldwide
- Bickerton Law Group
- Robbins Alloy
- Perkins Thompson
- Wilhite Law Firm
- Taylor English
- Law Offices of David A. Bain
- Lightfoot Franklin
- Bleichmar Fonti
- Russomanno & Borrello
- Robins Kaplan
- Wilentz Goldman
- Doffermyre Shields
- Burns Charest
- Doss Firm
- Douglas Leonard
- Aidenbaum Schloff
- Fitzgerald Joseph LLP
- McGowan Hood
- Jonathan W. Johnson LLC
- Simmons Hanly
- Robbins LLP
- Semnar & Hartman
- Morrison Sherwood
- Rozier Hardt
- Derek G. Howard Law Firm
- Jenkins Mulligan
- Law Offices of Jaret & Jaret
- OlsenDaines
- Francis Mailman
- Pearson Warshaw
- Edelsberg Law
- FisherBroyles
- Casey Gerry
- Raines Feldman
- Hogue & Belong
- Hogan Lovells
- Emerson Firm
- Chaiken Ghali
- Kent & Risley
- Kessler Topaz
- Sanford Heisler
- Levi & Korsinsky
- Cole & Van Note
- Barrett Law Group
- Consumer Litigation Associates
- Holtz Mahshie
- Briskin Cross
- Lanier Law Firm
- Ozzello Practice
- Law Offices of Murphy & Associates
- Cafferty Clobes
- Streett Law Firm
- Stritmatter Kessler
- Burt Langley
- Stull Stull
- Robinson Calcagnie
- Joseph Greenwald & Laake
- Kelley Uustal
- Adams Jordan
- Ademi & O'Reilly
- Carr & Carr
- Gallagher Callahan
- Green & Noblin PC
- Jones Walker
- Syverson Lesowitz
- Johnston Allison
- Langston & Langston
- Chapel Law Group
- Feinstein Doyle
- Watts & Herring
- Corboy & Demetrio
- Foote Mielke
- Kantrowitz Goldhamer
- Westerman Law Corp.
- Whitfield Bryson
- Wiggins Williams & Wiggins
- Kaass Law
- William H. Parish PC
- Williams Kilpatrick
- Williamson Fontenot
- Hutchings Barsamian
- W. Pitts Carr & Associates
- Coast Law Group LLP
- Kitrick Lewis
- Zarzaur Law
- Zimmerman Reed
- Susman Godfrey
- Glancy Prongay
- Grimes Teich
- Elarbee Thompson
- Hellmuth & Johnson
- Saveri & Saveri
- The Brualdi Law Firm
- Illinois Credit Union League Inc.
- Peach State Federal Credit Union
- Army Aviation Center Federal Credit Union
- Independent Community Bankers of America
- State Employees Federal Credit Union
- Michigan Credit Union League
- FNCB Bank
- Halliburton Co.
- Seven Seventeen Credit Union Inc.
- Summit Credit Union
- Alcoa Corp.
- Cooperative Credit Union Association Inc.
- Peoples National Bank NA
- Credit Union National Association Inc.
- Suncoast Credit Union
- The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates
- Virginia Credit Union Inc.
- SELCO Community Credit Union
- Texas First Bank
- Bank of Zachary
- Centreville Bank
- WGL Holdings Inc.
- Wisconsin Credit Union League Inc.
- Heartland Credit Union
- Equifax Inc.
- First Financial Holdings, Inc.
Government Agencies
- Red Cliff Band
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
- Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
- State of Indiana
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
March 24, 2023
Sanford Heisler Appeals Equifax $77M Atty Fee Share Suit Nix
Sanford Heisler Sharp LLP has declined a Georgia federal judge's invitation to hear its grievance about the distribution of a $77.5 million attorney fee award in the Equifax data breach multidistrict litigation, opting first to appeal the judge's order dismissing its out-of-state case against co-lead counsel.
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