Early interview week is one of the most stressful experiences law students will undergo, as they negotiate a compressed week of on-campus interviews with the firms that could launch and shape their futures. Law360 Pulse's survey takes the measure of where they are at this moment in time.
This year, we noted some ambivalence about the ways in which some schools organized the bidding process, by using algorithms to match students with firms. It was the first time students referenced this form of bidding in the survey, though the process is fairly common.
Among positive developments, students on average landed a higher number of interviews than previously. They also expressed confidence in networking and mentoring in a virtual setting – a change from the past couple of years, when the pandemic's impact on those benefits of summering were a top concern.
But we also found a more prevalent anxiety among this year's cohort as to whether they'd be offered a job in the end. Stipends were also slightly smaller this year, a sign perhaps that firms may be tightening their belts.
We will continue to follow these trends in the second installment of the survey, which is set to go out in late summer and will explore students' social and work experiences at firms.
These Firms Are Where Summers Want To Work
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There are a few communication tips that law students in summer associate programs should consider to put themselves in the best possible position to receive an offer, and firms can also take steps to support those to whom they are unable to make an offer.For a reprint of this article, please contact reprints@law360.com.