New Jersey Pulse

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    Landlords, Judiciary Brace For Federal Leasing Slimdown

    As the General Services Administration pores over the federal real estate portfolio, lenders, landlords and institutional investors are scrambling to understand their exposure to federal leases, while the potential canceling of judiciary office leases is setting up a showdown between branches of government.

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    McCarter & English Says 'Offensive' Post Backs Atty's Firing

    McCarter & English LLP has moved to dismiss a fired ex-associate's suit alleging discrimination based on his status as a veteran, telling a New Jersey state court that it had the right to terminate the at-will attorney for an allegedly offensive LinkedIn post.

  • Retired NJ Judge Sues Town For Unused Vacation, Sick Time

    The retired chief judge of the Belleville Municipal Court sued the township this week in New Jersey state court alleging that it is refusing to cover her medical benefits and pay her for unused sick and vacation time from her 27 years as an employee.

  • Nadine Menendez Loses Bid To Have Expert Testify On Gifts

    A Manhattan federal judge on Wednesday rejected a request by Nadine Menendez to have a witness testify that receiving gold bars as gifts is normal in her culture, dealing the wife of former U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez a setback ahead of her corruption trial.

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    State Judges See Uneven Gains In Post-Lockdown Pay Hikes

    State judges received an average 5% raise last year — a "significant" improvement over the 1% to 2% raises on offer during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic — but those pay increases were spread unequally across the country, with some state judges earning much higher salaries while the pay for others stagnated, according to a recent survey.

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    Weakened CFPB Prompts Ballard Spahr To Form State Team

    Ballard Spahr LLP announced Tuesday that it has formed a new state attorneys general consumer finance response team in response to the Trump administration's efforts to effectively shut down the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

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    Ogletree Employment Ace Rejoins Bressler Amery In NJ

    Bressler Amery & Ross PC added a labor and employment partner this week from Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart PC who had previously worked at the firm from 1989 to 2006 and who has over 30 years of legal experience.

  • DOJ Noncommittal On Cognizant Bribe Trial Amid FCPA Order

    In the wake of President Donald Trump's Feb. 10 executive order pausing enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, prosecutors told a federal judge Monday that they are preparing for a March 3 trial in their charges alleging two former executives of Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. authorized a bribe to an Indian official, but that the case is under review.

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    NJ High Court Rejects Ban On Out-Of-State Atty Referral Fees

    The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that state-certified attorneys are allowed to pay referral fees to out-of-state lawyers even if they are not licensed in the Garden State, overturning an ethics committee's advisory opinion that said the payments were forbidden.

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    Amid Lateral Tussle, BigLaw Firms Eye 'Boomerang Partners'

    As many law firms continue to tap lateral partner hires to achieve their strategic goals, a handful of firms are focusing on attracting departed partners to return, a once rare phenomenon some say appears to be picking up steam.

  • NJ Appeals Court Confirms Officials' Votes Were Conflicted

    A New Jersey state appeals court on Friday ruled a trial court was right to find local officials were in conflict when they voted to terminate an attorney because the trio had defamed him during their campaigns.

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    Law360's Legal Lions Of The Week

    Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP and Kirkland & Ellis LLP lead this week's edition of Law360 Legal Lions, after a Delaware federal judge ruled that tech startup ROSS Intelligence infringed copyrighted material from Thomson Reuters' Westlaw platform to create a competing legal research tool powered by artificial intelligence.

  • Pashman Stein Gets Arbitration Award Against Atty Confirmed

    Pashman Stein Walder Hayden PC on Friday won confirmation for an $88,000 award against an intellectual property attorney and former client it sued over unpaid legal fees in New Jersey state court.

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    Saiber Launches 'Kindness' Initiative To Celebrate 75 Years

    Saiber LLC is commemorating its 75th anniversary in April with the "75 for 75" initiative: a plan for the New Jersey-based firm and its attorneys to take on 75 separate community service projects through the end of the year.

  • Voir Dire: Law360 Pulse's Weekly Quiz

    The legal industry had another action-packed week as BigLaw firms expanded their practices and President Donald Trump flexed his executive power with new appointments and policies. Test your legal news savvy here with Law360 Pulse's weekly quiz.

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    Love And Law: How 2 Busy Lawyers Keep The Spark Alive

    Nurturing a romantic relationship over many years can be challenging for anyone, let alone someone who has intense demands related to their careers the way many successful attorneys do. Here, two successful partners share some quick tips on how they each juggle their decades-long marriages alongside busy practices.

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    Thompson Hine Partner Wants To Help You Find True Love

    Heidi B. Friedman, co-chair of Thompson Hine LLP’s environmental, social and governance collaborative, has a side gig playing Cupid. She talked to Law360 Pulse about her new book, "Love Lessons: 104 Dates and the Stories that Led Me to True Love."

  • Menendez Files Notice Of Appeal Of Corruption Convictions

    Former U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez filed a notice of appeal Thursday at the Second Circuit, formalizing his earlier pledge to challenge his convictions on bribery and corruption charges.

  • Lowenstein Sandler Accuses Dispensary Of 'Bad Faith' Move

    Lowenstein Sandler LLP has accused a cannabis dispensary it is suing for unpaid legal fees of effectively asking a New Jersey Superior Court judge to overturn another judge's partial denial of the dispensary's motion to dismiss the case.

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    Former 3rd Circ. Judge Jordan Joins Richards Layton

    Former Third Circuit Judge Kent A. Jordan is bringing the knowledge he gained during his more than two decades on the federal bench to help bolster Delaware firm Richards Layton & Finger PA's litigation department and help clients resolve disputes.

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    84% Of Legal Teams Surveyed Plan To Use AI Within 2 Years

    The adoption of artificial intelligence in corporate law departments has nearly doubled since 2023, with 84% of legal teams surveyed planning to use it in the next two years, according to a new report released Wednesday.

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    Herrick Feinstein Taps GC To Help Lead Litigation Department

    Herrick Feinstein LLP has tapped its New Jersey-based general counsel to also serve as a co-chair of the firm's litigation department.

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    Kirkland Outpaces BigLaw Rivals In Law Grad Hiring

    Kirkland & Ellis LLP has hired the most Class of 2023 law graduates among the top 50 law firms, bringing on 411 new attorneys, almost as many as the second and third-ranking firms combined, according to an analysis released Wednesday by legal data company Firm Prospects LLC.

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    Ropes & Gray To Review Seton Hall Sex Abuse Investigation

    Ropes & Gray LLP will lead a review of a 2019 investigation into sexual abuse allegations at Seton Hall University, which found that the university's recently appointed president knew of the allegations against former Archbishop Theodore McCarrick but did not report them properly, according to an announcement this week.

  • Connell Foley Can't Refute DQ Bid, NJ Investment Firm Says

    A Black-owned investment firm suing New Jersey for discrimination in federal court said the court must disqualify Connell Foley LLP from representing the state because of a conflict of interest, even though the supposedly conflicted attorney has denied any ethical breach.

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Expert Analysis

  • For The Future Of Legal Practice, Let's Learn From The Past Author Photo

    At some level, every practicing lawyer is experiencing the ever-increasing speed of change — and while some practice management processes have gotten more efficient, other things about the legal profession were better before supposed improvements were made, says Jay Silberblatt, president of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.

  • Why All Law Firms Should Foster Psychological Capital Author Photo

    Law firms will be able to reap great long-term benefits if they adopt strategies to nurture four critical components of their employees' psychological wellness and performance — hope, efficacy, resilience and optimism, says Dennis Stolle at the American Psychological Association.

  • A GC's Guide To Litigation, Inspired By Sun Tzu's 'Art Of War' Author Photo

    With caseloads and spending increasing, in-house counsel might find themselves called to opine on the risks and benefits of litigation more often, and they should look at five Sun Tzu maxims from the ancient Chinese classic "The Art of War" to inform their approach to any suit, says Jeff Golimowski at Womble Bond.

  • Mentorship Is Key To Diversity In The Legal Industry Author Photo

    Not only can effective mentorship have a profound impact on women and people of color entering the legal field, but it also benefits mentors and the legal profession as a whole, creating a true win-win situation for all involved, says Natasha Cortes at Grossman Roth.

  • ChatGPT Is A Cool Trick, But AI Won't Replace Lawyers Author Photo

    Generative AI applications like ChatGPT are unlikely to ever replace attorneys for a variety of practical reasons — but given their practice-enhancing capabilities, lawyers who fail to leverage these tools may be rendered obsolete, says Eran Kahana at Maslon.

  • Pro Bono Work Is Valuable In IP And Continued Learning Author Photo

    The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's recent elimination of a rule that partially counted pro bono work toward continuing legal education highlights the importance of volunteer work in intellectual property practice and its ties to CLE, and puts a valuable tool for hands-on attorney education in the hands of the states, say Lisa Holubar and Ariel Katz at Irwin.

  • Increasing Public Access To Legal Services: A Practical Plan Author Photo

    Recommendations recently issued by a special committee of the Florida Bar represent a realistic, pragmatic approach to increasing the accessibility and affordability of legal services, at a time when the disconnect between the legal profession and the public at large has widened considerably, says Gary Lesser, president of the Florida Bar.

  • Priorities For Improving The Legal Industry In Texas Author Photo

    To assist Texas lawyers in effectively executing their duties, we should be working on succession planning, attorney wellness, and increasing understanding of the grievance system by both bar members and the public, says Laura Gibson, president of the State Bar of Texas.

  • Leading Your Law Firm's Creation Of A New Practice Group Author Photo

    Marjorie Peerce and Peter Jaslow at Ballard Spahr discuss the challenges of building a new law firm practice group from the ground up, and how sustained commitment, communication and collaboration are the key ingredients for success.

  • Series

    Ask A Mentor: How Do I Relay Shortcomings To Associates? Author Photo

    Michael Cohen at Duane Morris discusses the best ways to articulate how an associate is not meeting expectations, and why documentation of performance management is crucial for their growth and protecting the firm from discrimination suits.

  • 10 Principles For Effective Partner Reward Systems Author Photo

    Several forces are reshaping partners’ expectations about profit-sharing, and as compensation structures evolve in response, firms should keep certain fundamentals in mind to build a successful partner reward system, say Michael Roch at MHPR Advisors and Ray D'Cruz at Performance Leader.

  • Why Interdisciplinarity Is Key To Designing The Future Of Law Author Photo

    The legal profession faces challenges that urgently demand new solutions, and lawyers and firms can address this by leaning on other industries that have more experience practicing, teaching and incorporating innovation into their core business and service models, says Jennifer Leonard at the University of Pennsylvania.

  • Incorporating ADA Guidance Into Lawyer Wellness Movement Author Photo

    The Americans with Disabilities Act and rules of professional conduct may help the legal profession promote lawyer well-being by focusing on mental conditions' actual impact, rather than on associated stereotypes, says Alex Long at the University of Tennessee College of Law.

  • Series

    Ask A Mentor: How Can New Partners Generate Business? Author Photo

    Christine Wong at MoFo discusses how newly elected partners can prioritize business development by creating a strategic plan with the firm's marketing team and strengthening relationships with professional and personal networks.

  • 9 Writing Tips From The Justices' Opinions Last Term Author Photo

    Hidden in the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinions from the last term are each justice’s talents for crafting choice turns of phrase, highlighting best practices for attorneys to jump-start their own writing, says Ross Guberman at BriefCatch.



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