Waymo LLC v. Uber Technologies, Inc. et al

  1. September 25, 2017

    Waymo Wants $1.86B From Uber For 1 Trade Secret Claim

    Alphabet Inc.'s self-driving vehicle unit Waymo LLC told a California federal judge Friday it's seeking $1.86 billion in damages for at least one alleged trade secret claim against Uber Technologies Inc., clearing up confusion about the amount that will be at stake in the upcoming trial between the rivals.

  2. September 20, 2017

    Waymo Pegs Uber Trade Secret Theft Harm At $2.6B

    Amid revelations on Wednesday that a Waymo-commissioned expert report estimated damages caused by Uber's alleged trade secret theft at $2.6 billion, U.S. District Judge William Alsup accused the Alphabet spinoff of crying "crocodile tears" in seeking to delay trial over the purported theft of self-driving car technology.

  3. September 18, 2017

    Waymo Seeks Trial Delay In Self-Driving IP Row With Uber

    In what Uber called a "do-over request," Waymo asked a California federal judge Saturday to delay the trial date for its trade secret misappropriation suit against Uber, saying it needs to scale a "mountain of evidence" revealed by a report that was only proffered after a Federal Circuit ruling last week.

  4. September 11, 2017

    Waymo Can't Get Uber Analysis Docs In Trade Secrets Spat

    A California magistrate judge said Monday that Alphabet Inc. self-driving car unit Waymo LLC cannot get its hands on all documents detailing Uber's efforts to locate files that the since-fired head of Uber's autonomous vehicle program allegedly stole from Waymo, but it can get communications potentially laying out Uber's reasons for firing him.

  5. September 01, 2017

    Uber, Waymo Vie For Quick Wins On Trade Secrets Claims

    Uber Technologies Inc. and Alphabet Inc.'s self-driving car unit Waymo LLC filed dueling bids for summary judgment in California federal court Thursday over allegations that Uber stole autonomous-car secrets.

  6. August 28, 2017

    Uber Unit Can't Subpoena Keker Van Nest Over Waymo Inquiry

    A California federal judge on Monday quashed a subpoena seeking evidence a Keker Van Nest & Peters LLP attorney influenced Waymo's investigation into whether the founder of Uber's self-driving car affiliate stole Waymo trade secrets, finding the filing came too late and sought privileged information.

  7. August 18, 2017

    Uber Can't Use Ex-Exec's Doc Theft Admission At Waymo Trial

    After receiving a flurry of letters from all sides, U.S. District Judge William Alsup on Friday upheld a finding that attorney-client privilege blocked testimony alleging former Uber self-driving car head Anthony Levandowski admitted to an Uber attorney he'd stolen documents from his previous employer, Waymo.

  8. August 16, 2017

    Waymo Jury May Learn Of Uber's Shady Discovery Tactics

    U.S. District Judge William Alsup said Wednesday he might allow Waymo to tell a California federal jury that Uber was evasive about providing evidence the head of its self-driving car division stole trade secrets from Waymo before quitting his job there, saying the panel should know "how they hide the ball."

  9. August 16, 2017

    Waymo Denied Uber Board Member Depositions

    Alphabet Inc.'s self-driving car unit Waymo LLC can't depose two Uber Technologies Inc. board members who apparently lack meaningful information about allegations that the ride-sharing company stole self-driving car secrets, a California magistrate judge said Tuesday.

  10. August 14, 2017

    Uber Can't Selectively Waive Atty-Client Privilege: Judge

    Uber can't use attorney-client privilege as both "a shield and a sword" as it defends against Waymo's claims it stole self-driving car secrets, a federal magistrate judge said Monday, ruling that a conversation involving an Uber lawyer, then-CEO Travis Kalanick and then-executive Anthony Levandowski is protected, even though Uber has said it's not.