Waymo LLC v. Uber Technologies, Inc. et al

  1. June 22, 2017

    Ex-Uber CEO Knew Engineer Had Trade Secrets, Waymo Says

    Former Uber Technologies Inc. CEO Travis Kalanick knew last year that a then-engineer possessed trade secrets from Waymo LLC, Alphabet Inc.'s self-driving car unit said Wednesday while arguing that Uber must prove to a California federal court that it shouldn't be held in contempt for its repeated failure to surrender the documents.

  2. June 20, 2017

    Uber Defends Privilege Log In Waymo Trade Secrets Case

    Uber Technologies Inc. on Monday defended the extensive privilege log it provided to Waymo LLC in a trade secrets suit and urged the California federal court not to make it hand over documents Waymo requested after receiving the log.

  3. June 19, 2017

    Lyft Fights Uber Subpoena In Waymo Trade Secrets Case

    Lyft Inc. on Friday blasted Uber Technologies Inc. for bringing it into Waymo LLC's trade secrets suit against Uber in California federal court, saying Uber's subpoena is a thinly veiled attempt to get access to a competitor's confidential information, not a legitimate litigation tactic.

  4. June 09, 2017

    Uber Shakes Waymo's Unfair Competition Claim In IP Row

    Uber Technologies Inc. successfully shook an unfair competition claim in a patent infringement suit from driverless car rival Waymo LLC on Friday when a California federal judge said the count was superseded by the California Uniform Trade Secrets Act.

  5. June 07, 2017

    Alsup Says Pressure On Fired Uber Engineer Constitutional

    U.S. District Judge William Alsup on Wednesday refused Anthony Levandowski's request to modify an order recommending Uber pressure the now-fired engineer to return documents he allegedly stole from Google's self-driving car affiliate Waymo, rejecting claims the order created a constitutional conflict between Levandowski's employment rights and his Fifth Amendment rights.

  6. June 05, 2017

    Ex-Google Engineer Defends Taking The 5th In Uber Fight

    The former Google engineer at the center of a high-profile trade secrets battle with Uber over driverless car technology on Friday reiterated his reasons for invoking his Fifth Amendment rights, saying he is genuinely concerned about criminal prosecution.

  7. May 30, 2017

    Uber Fires Ex-Google Engineer In Driverless Car War

    Uber has fired the former Google engineer at the center of a high-profile legal battle between the two tech giants over driverless car technology, according to a court filing Tuesday.

  8. May 25, 2017

    Waymo Says Uber Can't Hide Exec's Alleged IP Crimes

    Alphabet Inc. unit Waymo asked a California federal judge Thursday to make Uber hand over a due-diligence report prepared in anticipation of acquiring a self-driving car company started by Anthony Levandowski, an ex-Waymo employee accused of stealing trade secrets, arguing Uber was trying to invoke a work-product privilege to shroud Levandowski's alleged crimes.

  9. May 24, 2017

    Waymo Wants Privilege Log From Uber Exec In IP Suit

    Waymo asked a California federal judge on Tuesday to force a former engineer who's now working for Uber to provide a detailed list of documents he's refusing to disclose under the Fifth Amendment in a high-profile trade secrets fight alleging the ride-sharing giant stole the Alphabet Inc. unit's self-driving car technology.

  10. May 22, 2017

    Uber Seeks To Pause Waymo Suit Pending Fed. Circ. Appeal

    Uber Technologies Inc. is seeking to stay California federal court proceedings while it appeals a decision denying its bid to arbitrate trade secret and patent infringement claims from Waymo LLC over driverless car technology allegedly stolen by a former top engineer.