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March 06, 2025
Texas Panel Says Police Dept. Must Face Pregnancy Bias Suit
A Texas appeals court on Thursday said a police department cannot escape a former employee's lawsuit accusing it of firing her after she asked to take unpaid leave to recover from a cesarean section, but ruled the city encompassing the police department was not involved in employment decisions.
March 06, 2025
Diverse Judiciary Is Crucial, Justice Jackson Tells Attys
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson told attorneys in Miami on Thursday at the American Bar Association's annual White Collar Crime Institute that her judicial philosophy is "still under development" and said diversity in the judiciary is necessary to help instill confidence in the judicial branch of government.
March 06, 2025
Apple Tells DC Circ. Google Search Fixes Change Incentives
Apple has told the D.C. Circuit that it did not know the U.S. Department of Justice would go as far as it did with its proposed fixes in the Google search antitrust case, and it moved to intervene as soon as it became clear the two companies have opposing interests under the government's proposal.
March 06, 2025
Citi's Appeal Gamble Is A Loser For All, NY AG Says
New York's attorney general has urged a Manhattan federal judge to deny Citibank's bid to appeal the judge's decision allowing the state's wire transfer fraud protection case against the bank to proceed, arguing that an immediate appeal would not benefit any party, even the bank.
March 06, 2025
No Cancer Therapy Patent For AbbVie, Says Federal Circuit
The Federal Circuit declined on Thursday to second-guess a Virginia federal judge who sided with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in refusing to issue a patent requested to cover a purportedly new way of administering a clinical stage cancer treatment to an AbbVie unit.
March 06, 2025
Conn. Justices Could Limit Court Powers In Probate Appeals
Connecticut's state court rules do not specify that a judge can grant summary judgment to a party in a probate appeal, so that power might not be available, a Connecticut Supreme Court justice said Thursday during oral argument about an issue that the high court has never considered.
March 06, 2025
Minn. Couple Can't Claim $105K Deduction, High Court Affirms
A Minnesota couple were properly assessed an outstanding income tax liability and disallowed a business loss deduction by the state tax court, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled.
March 06, 2025
The Antitrust Litigation Surrounding NAR's Industry Rules
A year and a half after a Missouri federal jury found that the National Association of Realtors inflated fees for home sellers, the Eighth Circuit is evaluating a series of settlements in wake of the decision while the Justice Department pursues its own antitrust investigation with a court's blessing.
March 06, 2025
Conn. Chief Justice Names New Appellate Court Leader
Connecticut Appellate Court Judge Melanie L. Cradle has been appointed as the court's top judge following her predecessor's confirmation to the Connecticut Supreme Court.
March 06, 2025
USW Strikers Found Eligible For Unemployment Pay
Workers represented by the United Steelworkers who sought unemployment compensation during a work stoppage could receive the benefit under state law, a Pennsylvania appellate court concluded Thursday, finding claimants were eligible because a steel company took actions that changed the strike to a lockout.
March 06, 2025
Contempt Of Atty's 'Own Making,' Judge Says In Allowing Trial
A Dutch software company can't push back a copyright trial after one of its attorneys from Womble Bond Dickinson was held in contempt and was temporarily kicked off the case, a North Carolina federal judge ruled, finding the predicament "entirely of counsel's own making."
March 06, 2025
NY Court Rejects Leon Black's Malicious Prosecution Suit
A New York appeals court on Thursday rejected a malicious prosecution suit brought by former Apollo Global Management CEO Leon Black against Wigdor LLP, which represented a woman in a failed lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault.
March 06, 2025
IRS Can't Defend Slashing Of Easement Value, 11th Circ. Told
Conservation easement donors whose charitable tax deduction was reduced by millions of dollars by the U.S. Tax Court criticized the Internal Revenue Service's defense of the decision, telling the Eleventh Circuit the ruling ignored copious evidence of the property's value underlying the donation's worth.
March 06, 2025
6th Circ. Says Nursing Home Worker's Actions Justified Firing
The Sixth Circuit refused to revive a former nursing home social services director's suit claiming she was fired for raising concerns about resident care and her supervisor's inappropriate behavior, finding she couldn't overcome the company's explanation that her absenteeism and covert recordings of meetings cost her the job.
March 06, 2025
Fed. Circ. Nixes Portion Of VA Rule Authorizing Inspections
A Federal Circuit panel on Thursday axed part of a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs rule that allowed it to inspect computer hardware and software and even the physical locations that people use to remotely access its electronic benefit management systems.
March 06, 2025
Worker Seeks To Revive NY Teamsters Retirement Plan Suit
A union-represented worker is fighting a New York federal judge's conclusion that he failed to show how the caretakers of his Teamsters retirement plan mismanaged his savings, asking the Second Circuit to revive his proposed Employee Retirement Income Security Act class action.
March 06, 2025
Dems Intro Their Own Version Of The JUDGES Act
Top Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee reintroduced a version of the JUDGES Act on Thursday that would not take effect until after the next president is elected, unlike a version from their Republican counterparts that would take effect this year.
March 05, 2025
SpaceX Fails To Get 5th Circ. To Block NLRB Case
The Fifth Circuit on Wednesday dismissed SpaceX's appellate court bid to stop a National Labor Relations Board administrative proceeding alleging it unlawfully fired employees who criticized company CEO Elon Musk, saying the circuit court lacked jurisdiction since a lower court didn't first deny SpaceX's injunctive relief request.
March 05, 2025
DC Circ. Lets Trump Remove Watchdog Chief As Feds Appeal
The D.C. Circuit on Wednesday issued a stay that allows President Donald Trump to fire the head of the Office of Special Counsel while the government appeals a district court order that permanently reinstalled the federal employment watchdog.
March 05, 2025
Fla. Chiropractor Bilked State Farm For $2.7M, 11th Circ. Told
State Farm urged an Eleventh Circuit panel on Wednesday to find that it had shelled out $2.7 million to an unscrupulous Florida chiropractor who paid kickbacks for medically unnecessary claims, arguing that the provider should be held liable for fraud under a theory that he violated a state licensure exemption.
March 05, 2025
Wash. Justices Won't Take Up Pemco's Fire Coverage Appeal
The Washington Supreme Court won't review a lower court's ruling that Pemco Mutual Insurance Co. must cover a woman's claim for fire damage to her former home after she was assaulted and set ablaze there by her ex-husband.
March 05, 2025
Fed. Circ. Backs PNC's PTAB Win Over Mobile Banking IP
The Federal Circuit on Wednesday affirmed a win PNC Bank landed at an administrative patent board against a Texas bank that is suing PNC over mobile banking technology.
March 05, 2025
Baylor Asks Texas Justices To Review $12M Virus Verdict Toss
Baylor College of Medicine asked the Texas Supreme Court to rethink an appellate panel's COVID-19 coverage decision wiping a $12 million jury verdict in its favor, arguing the ruling was based on a 1995 edition of a legal treatise that incorrectly concluded intangible damage isn't covered.
March 05, 2025
Celltrion Can't Undo Eye Med Biosimilar Injunction On Appeal
The Federal Circuit on Wednesday affirmed a lower court's preliminary injunction barring South Korea-based Celltrion Inc. from launching a biosimilar version of Regeneron's blockbuster eye disease treatment Eylea, rejecting Celltrion's argument that it has shown a patent on the drug may be invalid.
March 05, 2025
Justices Asked To Recuse Fitbit Judge Over Google Ties
A Silicon Valley-based patent-holding company that lost its infringement case against Fitbit is telling the U.S. Supreme Court that a California federal judge and her husband's financial ties to Fitbit parent Google are so strong that "if these circumstances do not warrant recusal ... then nothing does."
Expert Analysis
Litigation Funding Disclosure Debate: Strategy Considerations
In the ongoing debate over whether courts should require disclosure of litigation funding, funders and plaintiffs tend to argue against such mandates, but voluntarily disclosing limited details about a funding arrangement can actually confer certain benefits to plaintiffs in some scenarios, say Andrew Stulce and Marc Cavan at Longford Capital.
Discretionary Compensation Lessons From 7th Circ. Ruling
The Seventh Circuit’s recent ruling in Das v. Tata established that contract disclaimers don't automatically bar claims under the Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act, underscoring the limits of compensation systems that purport to grant employers unilateral discretion, say attorneys at Schoenberg Finkel.
Gas Contract Fight Holds Lessons On Force Majeure Clauses
Ongoing litigation over gas deliveries during Winter Storm Uri underscores the need for precision and foresight when negotiating force majeure clauses in contracts — particularly in the energy sector, where climate-related disruptions and market volatility are inevitable, but often unpredictable, say attorneys at Spencer Fane.
Justices Likely To Stay In ERISA's Bounds On Pleadings
The arguments in Cunningham v. Cornell showed the U.S. Supreme Court's willingness to resolve a circuit split regarding Employee Retirement Income Security Act pleading standards by staying within ERISA's confines, while instructing courts regarding what must be pled to survive a motion to dismiss, says Ryan Curtis at Fennemore Craig.
Scope And Nature Of Judicial Relief Will Affect Loper's Impact
The practical result of post-Loper Bright rulings against regulatory actions will depend on the relief courts grant — and there has been controversy in these types of cases over whether the ruling is applied just to the parties or nationwide, and whether the action can be left in place while it's corrected, says Steven Gordon at Holland & Knight.
What's Next After Justices Clarify FLSA Evidence Standard
The U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in EMD Sales v. Carrera makes it easier to claim employees are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage and overtime requirements, and eliminates inconsistency and unpredictability for employers operating in multiple jurisdictions, say attorneys at Bracewell.
The Implications Of E-Cigarette Cos. Taking Suits To 5th Circ.
The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in U.S. Food and Drug Administration v. R.J. Reynolds over the definition of an "adversely affected" person under the Tobacco Control Act, and the justices' ruling will have important and potentially wide-ranging implications for forum shopping claims, says Trillium Chang at Zuckerman Spaeder.
Adventure Photography Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Photographing nature everywhere from Siberia to Cuba and Iceland to Rwanda provides me with a constant reminder to refresh, refocus and rethink the legal issues that my clients face, says Richard Birmingham at Davis Wright.
Fed. Circ. Inherency Ruling Refines Obviousness Framework
The Federal Circuit's December decision in Cytiva v. JSR has definitively eliminated the requirement of "reasonable expectation of success" analysis for inherent properties in obviousness determinations, while providing some key clarifications for patent practitioners, says Lawrence Kass at Steptoe.
Commercial Tree Thinning Should Be Part of Wildfire Control
The devastating wildfires currently afflicting California make it clear that the U.S. Forest Service should step up its use of methods including commercial tree removal to lower fire risk — but litigation that drags on for years stymies many of these efforts and endangers the public, says Jeffrey Beelaert at Givens Pursley.
The 5 Most Important Bid Protest Decisions Of 2024
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the Court of Federal Claims and the Government Accountability Office issued five noteworthy bid protest decisions in 2024 that will likely have a continuing impact on questions concerning standing, timeliness, corporate transactions and more, say attorneys at Bradley Arant.
High Court Could Further Limit Deference With TCPA Fax Case
The Supreme Court's decision to hear McLaughlin Chiropractic Associates v. McKesson, a case involving alleged junk faxes that centers whether district courts are bound by Federal Communications Commission rules, offers the court a chance to possibly further limit the judicial deference afforded to federal agency interpretations of statutes, says Samantha Duke at Rumberger Kirk.
Future Of Crypto-Asset Classification Is In 2nd Circ.'s Hands
A definitive ruling from the Second Circuit in a rare interlocutory appeal in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's ongoing court battle with Coinbase could finally establish clear guidelines on the classification of digital assets, influencing how they are regulated and traded in the U.S., say attorneys at Manatt.
5 Ways To Create Effective Mock Assignments For Associates
In order to effectively develop associates’ critical thinking skills, firms should design mock assignments that contain a few key ingredients, from messy fact patterns to actionable feedback, says Abdi Shayesteh at AltaClaro.
More Environmental Claims, More Greenwashing Challenges
As companies prepare for the 2025 greenwashing landscape, they should take heed of a D.C. appellate decision that shows that environmental claims are increasingly subject to attack and provides plaintiffs with a playbook for challenging corporate claims of sustainability, say attorneys at Sidley.