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March 14, 2025
9th Circ. Axes Dershowitz Sanction, Clarifies 'Of Counsel' Law
The Ninth Circuit on Friday rejected Alan Dershowitz's arguments that his First Amendment rights shield him from being sanctioned for filing frivolous election-related litigation as "for counsel" representing Republican Arizona candidates, but the panel nevertheless reversed sanctions against Dershowitz since it's the first time the circuit has clarified the law.
March 14, 2025
Ga. Panel Says COVID-Era Legal Shield Blocks Amputee's Suit
A divided Georgia Court of Appeals on Friday said a trial court should have dismissed a wrongful amputation suit against a Marietta hospital, holding that the patient who lost his right leg after being admitted for COVID-19 symptoms could not beat the legal immunity granted to the hospital by a pandemic-era state law.
March 14, 2025
Fed. Circ. OKs Apple's Patent Board Win In Beacon Dispute
The Federal Circuit on Friday signed off on a ruling from the patent board that wiped out all of the claims Apple challenged in a patent covering location-tracking beacons that was asserted against a software protocol developed for iPhones and iPads.
March 14, 2025
Reed Smith To Fight Removal In $102M Shipping Award Suit
A New York federal judge has paused his order removing Reed Smith LLP as counsel for the former owners of reorganized international shipping group Eletson Holdings in litigation over a $102 million arbitral award while the BigLaw firm appeals the decision to the Second Circuit.
March 14, 2025
5th Circ. Affirms Energy Exec's Insider Trading Conviction
The Fifth Circuit upheld a Texas energy executive's conviction for insider trading on natural gas futures based on the constitutionality of federal laws and regulations that criminalize manipulative commodity deals.
March 14, 2025
Justices Told 11th Circ.'s FTCA Ruling Is 'Upside-Down'
An Eleventh Circuit decision that scuttled a Georgia family's lawsuit after they were subjected to a botched no-knock raid by the FBI turned "upside-down" the intent of the Constitution's supremacy clause and "would nullify" the Federal Tort Claims Act, advocacy group Public Citizen told the U.S. Supreme Court Friday.
March 14, 2025
Calif. Panel Won't Alter Telecom's Rural Phone Rate Subsidies
A California appellate court found the state's Public Utilities Commission did nothing wrong by taking into account a telecom's use of its telephone service infrastructure for broadband service when setting rates and determining how much the company would receive in subsidies for providing service in rural areas.
March 14, 2025
Home Depot Nixes 3rd Lynk Labs Patent Claim At Fed. Circ.
Home Depot U.S.A. Inc. persuaded Federal Circuit judges on Friday to override the Patent Trial and Appeal Board and throw out another claim in a patent issued to a late 1990s tech developer that later pivoted to LED lights.
March 14, 2025
4th Circ. Dubious Of Private Island's Win In Fair Housing Fight
The Fourth Circuit on Friday seemed poised to upend a lower court ruling siding with a gated community in a discriminatory housing suit brought by the developer of a proposed assisted living facility, with one judge lamenting a lack of analysis on whether the facility's accommodation request was necessary and reasonable.
March 14, 2025
DC Circ. Asks If FERC Oil Orders Are In Its Purview
The D.C. Circuit is questioning its own decades-long practice of reviewing orders from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that help determine the cost of transporting oil through pipelines, asking litigants whether it has jurisdiction to consider an appeal nearing its conclusion.
March 14, 2025
Mich. Panel Revives Hangar's Property Tax Challenge
The Michigan Court of Appeals revived a company's argument that it is exempt from a city's tax on a hangar it leased from a regional airport authority, saying the state Tax Tribunal should have required the municipality to prove that a tax statute applied to the company.
March 14, 2025
Fed. Circ. Affirms No Block On Amgen's Eye Med Biosimilar
The Federal Circuit on Friday agreed with a lower court decision declining to temporarily block Amgen's biosimilar of Regeneron's blockbuster eye medication Eylea, affirming that court's application of claim construction precedent in the patent infringement suit.
March 14, 2025
Docks Corp. Asks Justices To Revive Fla. Cruise Line Lawsuit
A Kentucky-based docks corporation has urged the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a split Eleventh Circuit decision overturning a $440 million judgment against several cruise companies for allegedly "trafficking" its property seized by the Cuban government, arguing the ruling harms U.S. foreign policy toward the country's communist regime.
March 14, 2025
Gov't Tells Justices FCC Subsidy Critics Target 'Strawman'
Opponents of the Federal Communications Commission's nearly 30-year-old telecom subsidy system are making "strawman" arguments by claiming taxing power has been unlawfully delegated away from Congress, the government told the U.S. Supreme Court.
March 14, 2025
Apple Tells DC Circ. It's Still Singled Out In Final Google Fixes
Apple told the D.C. Circuit that it still needs to intervene in the U.S. Department of Justice's search monopolization case against Google because the government's final remedy proposal still treats the iPhone-maker differently than other companies.
March 14, 2025
Chief Justice Won't Halt FINRA Case Against Suing Brokerage
Chief U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts on Friday denied a request to stay an in-house Financial Industry Regulatory Authority disciplinary proceeding while a broker-dealer attempts to convince the justices to hear its constitutional challenge to the regulator.
March 14, 2025
Wash. Justices Side With Shopper In Lowe's Fallen Fence Suit
Washington's high court has sided with a customer suing Lowe's after she was injured by a fallen roll of fencing at an Evergreen State store, saying a judge or jury should decide whether the retailer could have anticipated the hazard given the self-service style of the store.
March 14, 2025
1st Circ. Asked To Look At Takeda Invoice Fraud Conviction
The husband of a former Takeda Pharmaceuticals vice president is appealing his fraud conviction and 2½-year prison term over a $2.3 million bogus invoice scheme, according to a Friday notice filed to the First Circuit.
March 14, 2025
DOJ Drops Biden-Era Suit Over Iowa Immigration Law
The U.S. Department of Justice on Friday voluntarily dropped a lawsuit lodged under the former Biden administration that challenged Iowa legislation empowering state officials to arrest and remove previously deported noncitizens, months after the Eighth Circuit upheld an order blocking the law.
March 14, 2025
FTC Urges 8th Circ. Not To Pause Insulin Pricing Case
The Federal Trade Commission has urged the Eighth Circuit not to pause its in-house case accusing Caremark Rx, Express Scripts and OptumRx of artificially inflating insulin prices, telling the appeals court the pharmacy benefit managers have no chance of winning on their constitutional claims.
March 14, 2025
11th Circ. Upholds Toss Of Avian Orgs.' Bid To Import Parrots
The Eleventh Circuit on Friday affirmed a judgment against two exotic bird nonprofits trying to get approval to import two parrot species, ruling that the Wild Bird Conservation Act does not allow for a carveout of only captive-bred parrot species from certain countries.
March 14, 2025
Halliburton Rival Loses Fracking Claims At Fed. Circ.
The Federal Circuit has affirmed findings in Halliburton's favor at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board that came after the company challenged claims in patents covering electric pumps used in hydraulic fracturing.
March 14, 2025
4th Circ. Reluctant To Loosen EEOC Charge Requirement
A Fourth Circuit panel seemed hesitant Friday to revive a bias case from a worker whose presuit U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission charge didn't specifically name one of the entities he hauled into court, with one judge expressing "apprehension" about adopting a widely used exception to charge filing rules.
March 14, 2025
7th Circ. Backs Arbitrator Finding COVID Is No 'Act Of God'
A distribution service provider failed to support its argument that an "act of God" exemption in a contract it had with a Teamsters chapter allowed the company to reduce workers' hours during the coronavirus pandemic, the Seventh Circuit ruled, keeping in place an arbitrator's conclusion.
March 14, 2025
5th Circ. Reverses Insurer's Bar Assault Coverage Win
The Fifth Circuit reversed on Friday a decision finding a bar's insurer had to pay only $1 million of a $3.2 million judgment because a settlement demand letter was too vague, saying the lower court should have declined to hear the case and must toss it on remand.
Expert Analysis
9th Circ. Draws The Line On Software As A Derivative Work
The Ninth Circuit's recent decision in Oracle International v. Rimini Street clarifies the meaning of derivative work under the Copyright Act, and when a work based upon a preexisting item doesn't constitute a derivative, says John Poulos at Norton Rose.
As Failure-To-Warn Preemption Wanes, Justices May Weigh In
Federal preemption of state failure-to-warn claims has long been a powerful defense in strict liability tort cases, but is now under attack in litigation over the weedkiller Roundup and other products — so the scope and application of preemption may require clarification by the U.S. Supreme Court, says Michael Sena at Segal McCambridge.
How Design Thinking Can Help Lawyers Find Purpose In Work
Lawyers everywhere are feeling overwhelmed amid mass government layoffs, increasing political instability and a justice system stretched to its limits — but a design-thinking framework can help attorneys navigate this uncertainty and find meaning in their work, say law professors at the University of Michigan.
Justices' Certiorari Denial Leaves Interstate Tax Questions
Since the U.S. Supreme Court recently declined to review a Philadelphia resident’s claim that her Delaware state income taxes should be credited against her city wage tax liabilities, constitutional questions about state and local tax distinctions linger, and some states may continue to apply Supreme Court precedent differently, say attorneys at Dentons.
Trending At The PTAB: Insights From 2024 Fed. Circ. Statistics
Looking at stats from the Federal Circuit's decisions in 219 Patent Trial and Appeal Board appeals last year sheds light on potential trends and strategy considerations that could improve appeals' chances of success, say attorneys at Finnegan.
Will Independent Federal Agencies Remain Independent?
For 90 years, members of multimember independent federal agencies have relied on the U.S. Supreme Court's 1935 ruling in Humphrey's Executor v. U.S. establishing the security of their positions — but as the Trump administration attempts to overturn this understanding, it is unclear how the high court will respond, says Harvey Reiter at Stinson.
High Court Sentencing Case Presents Legal Fork In The Road
On Feb. 25, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in Esteras v. U.S. about the factors trial courts may consider when imposing a sentence of imprisonment after revoking supervised release, and the justices’ eventual decision may prioritize either discretion or originalism, says Michael Freedman at The Freedman Firm.
Del. Justices' D&O Ruling Clarifies 'Related' Claim Analysis
In its recent decision in the Alexion Pharmaceuticals coverage case, the Delaware Supreme Court adopted a "meaningful linkage" standard for relatedness analysis, providing further guidance to Delaware policyholders on how to navigate those directors and officers insurance disputes, say attorneys at Hunton.
Class Actions At The Circuit Courts: February Lessons
In this month's review of class action appeals, Mitchell Engel at Shook Hardy discusses five federal appellate court class certification decisions and identifies practice tips from cases involving breach of life insurance contracts, constitutional violations of inmates and more.
Defense Strategies For Politically Charged Prosecutions
Politically charged prosecutions have captured the headlines in recent years, providing lessons for defense counsel on how to navigate the distinct challenges, and seize the unique opportunities, such cases present, says Kenneth Notter at MoloLamken.
Competitive Weightlifting Makes Me A Better Lawyer
The parallels between the core principles required for competitive weightlifting and practicing law have helped me to excel in both endeavors, with each holding important lessons about discipline, dedication, drive and failure, says Damien Bielli at VF Law.
Axed ALJ Removal Protections Mark Big Shift For NLRB
A D.C. federal court's recent decision in VHS Acquisition Subsidiary No. 7 v. National Labor Relations Board removed long-standing tenure protections for administrative law judges by finding they must be removable at will by the NLRB, marking a significant shift in the agency's ability to prosecute and adjudicate cases, say attorneys at Proskauer.
NC COVID Ruling May Have Greater Coverage Implications
While the North Carolina Supreme Court's recent finding in favor of policyholders in a suit for business interruption coverage due to COVID-19 comes too late for most insureds to benefit, it should nonetheless have coverage implications far beyond COVID-19 claims, say attorneys at Robinson Bradshaw.
3 Potential Developments That May Alter US Patent Rights
The Federal Circuit's upcoming decision in EcoFactor v. Google, pending legislation before Congress and the appointment of a new U.S Patent and Trademark Office director all have significant potential to strengthen or weaken patent rights, say attorneys at McKool Smith.
11th Circ. TCPA Ruling Signals Erosion Of Judicial Deference
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit recently came to the rescue of the lead generation industry, striking down new regulations that were set to go into effect on Jan. 27, a decision consistent with federal courts' recent willingness to review administrative decisions, say attorneys at Troutman.