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March 03, 2025
9th Circ. Rejects Redo Of Antitrust Case Against Zillow, NAR
The Ninth Circuit on Monday said it would not revive a defunct brokerage platform's case accusing Zillow and the National Association of Realtors of deception related to the online real estate company's website, saying there was no conspiracy in the way changes were made to how listings were displayed.
March 03, 2025
Ruling Nixing $1.3B Award May Be In Jeopardy At High Court
The U.S. Supreme Court appeared poised during oral arguments on Monday to overturn a Ninth Circuit decision refusing to enforce a $1.3 billion arbitral award issued to an Indian satellite communications company, as the justices grappled with a new argument from a unit of India's space agency.
March 03, 2025
Full Fed. Circ. Won't Take On Teva's Orange Book Appeal
The Federal Circuit on Monday rejected a request for an en banc rehearing from Teva Pharmaceuticals challenging a panel decision finding that the company improperly listed its asthma inhaler patents on a key U.S. Food and Drug Administration database that lists patents for drugs.
March 03, 2025
American Asks Justices To Mull Bid To Revive JetBlue Pact
American Airlines has told the U.S. Supreme Court that the First Circuit flouted basic antitrust principles when it invalidated the carrier's codeshare agreement with JetBlue in Boston and New York, a decision that "threatens to wreak havoc on productive collaborations of all shapes and sizes."
March 03, 2025
Fired NBA Ref Wants $178K Atty Fees After 2nd Circ. Win
A former longtime NBA referee asked a Manhattan federal judge on Monday to approve an attorney fee of $179,000, after winning $2.9 million in pension benefits in a case over his termination for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
March 03, 2025
Texas High Court Told Telecom Law Clears State Constitution
Texas is hoping its highest court will overturn a ruling that found the state violated its own constitutional rules about gift-giving by capping the amount cities can charge telecoms for using their rights-of-way to such a degree that they were basically forced to give away public money.
March 03, 2025
Conn. Justices Set New Atty Duty In Deathbed Will Dispute
Three intended beneficiaries of a late businessman's will can sue attorney Anthony J. Palermino for allegedly failing to tell his client that TD Ameritrade account documents would need to be changed to fulfill his deathbed wishes, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Monday, finding that attorneys have a duty to third-party beneficiaries in such situations.
March 03, 2025
4th Circ. Backs Away From Contractor's Arbitration Fight
The Fourth Circuit said Monday it doesn't have jurisdiction over a contractor's challenge to a couple's arbitration award for an incomplete home renovation project, citing the U.S. Supreme Court's holding that federal courts have jurisdiction only over motions to compel, but not vacate or confirm, arbitration awards.
March 03, 2025
Fed. Circ. Tosses Appeal In Card Payment Patent Dispute
The Federal Circuit on Monday threw out a patent holder's challenge of an order clarifying that motions for sanctions by gift card company Blackhawk Networks and shopping mall owner Simon Property Group remained live after a Texas federal court's non-infringement judgment.
March 03, 2025
Ex-Adecco Worker Can't Protest PAGA Deal, Calif. Panel Rules
A worker suing a staffing agency under California's Private Attorneys General Act cannot intervene in a settled case lodging similar claims because the challenge is based purely on her private interests, a California panel ruled.
March 03, 2025
Jarkesy Can't Get Penny Stock Co. Out Of SEC Penalty
The Second Circuit on Monday upheld the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's courtroom victory against a penny stock company found to have misled its investors about its financial state, ruling that the company couldn't lean on the U.S. Supreme Court's Jarkesy ruling to argue that a jury should have determined its punishment.
March 03, 2025
Sutter Settles Years-Old Antitrust Suit On Courthouse Steps
Attorneys for a class of millions of health insurance premium payors announced an eleventh hour deal staving off a new antitrust trial Monday in California federal court over claims that hospital chain Sutter Health drives up costs by pushing all-or-nothing network deals on insurers.
March 03, 2025
Vape Co. Backs 6th Circ. Challenge To Ky. E-Cig Law
A Texas e-cigarette liquids maker on Monday urged the Sixth Circuit to side with a group of vape interests in their bid to block a Kentucky law regulating vape sales, saying the companies have standing to block the measure and the law is preempted under federal law.
March 03, 2025
Pa. Supreme Court Snapshot: Negligence Damages Caps
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court will start and end its March session examining long-standing precedents, beginning Tuesday with an argument that will spotlight damages against government entities, and wrapping up Wednesday with a matter hinging on a rule that lets general contractors share their subcontractors' immunity under the workers' compensation law.
March 03, 2025
9th Circ. Won't Revive Black Ex-Boeing Engineer's Bias Suit
The Ninth Circuit on Monday backed Boeing's defeat of a former engineer's lawsuit claiming he was disciplined for minor issues and ultimately terminated because he's Black, ruling he hadn't provided evidence that the company's actions were based on his race.
March 03, 2025
2nd Circ. Denies Amish Schools' Vaccine Rule Challenge
The Second Circuit on Monday denied a religious challenge to New York's immunization law from three Amish schools and two Amish parents, saying both the appellate court and the U.S. Supreme Court have a history of upholding school immunization requirements implemented by states.
March 03, 2025
NJ Justices Skeptical Of Judicial Privacy Law Challenge
The New Jersey Supreme Court appeared skeptical Monday over reviving a journalist's lawsuit alleging municipal officials improperly relied on the judicial safety measure Daniel's Law to chill his attempt to expose a city police director's out-of-town address.
March 03, 2025
Fla. Judge Admits To Improper Remarks About Prosecutors
A Florida state judge could receive a public reprimand after admitting to ethics charges for calling an assistant state attorney an "ass" and other inappropriate remarks directed toward prosecutors.
March 03, 2025
Colo. Says 1933 Dictionary Supports Netflix Subscription Tax
The plain meaning of tangible personal property has long encompassed Netflix streaming video subscriptions, Colorado's tax department told a state appeals court, urging it to allow a sales tax on the company's products.
March 03, 2025
Justices Pass On Reviewing Ohio Prisoner's Habeas Win
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to scrutinize a lower court ruling granting habeas corpus relief to an Ohio death row prisoner whom a biased judge had prevented from introducing new mitigating evidence at resentencing.
March 03, 2025
Justices To Weigh Double-Jeopardy Claim In Robbery Case
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to wade into a seven-circuit split over whether the double jeopardy clause allows for separate sentences on different charges stemming from the same robbery — an issue that can lead to significantly longer prison terms.
March 03, 2025
Fed. Circ. Says OPM Reg On Entry-Level Workers' OT Is Valid
The Office of Personnel Management's regulation denying overtime pay for federal employees undergoing training is valid, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled Monday, sending an FBI analyst's overtime suit back to the Court of Federal Claims.
March 03, 2025
10th Circ. Backs CPSC In Challenge To New Magnet Rule
The Tenth Circuit on Monday denied a petition challenging a new Consumer Product Safety Commission rule regulating the sale of small, high-powered magnets, finding that the evidence the CPSC provided supports the rule and the commission's structure is constitutional.
March 03, 2025
DC Circ. Asks Crowley For More Info In GSA Audit Powers Suit
A D.C. Circuit panel directed Crowley Government Services Inc., which has challenged the authority of the General Services Administration to audit its contract with the U.S. Department of Defense's Transportation Command, to file a brief detailing whether the contract included any such audit provision.
March 03, 2025
Justices Decline Data Breach Suit Against SC Medical Center
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to review a Fourth Circuit decision that a health center cannot use federal immunity as a shield against a data breach lawsuit even though it received public funds, despite the company's warning that the ruling has created a circuit split.
Expert Analysis
The Justices' Securities Rulings, Dismissals That Defined '24
The U.S. Supreme Court's 2024 securities rulings led to increased success for defendants' price impact arguments, but the justices' decisions not to weigh in on important issues relating to the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act's pleading requirements may be just as significant, say attorneys at Skadden.
10 Noteworthy CFPB Developments From 2024
In a banner year for consumer finance regulation, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau made significant strides in its efforts to rein in Big Tech and nonbank financial firms, including via rules regarding open banking, credit card late fees, and buy now, pay later products, say attorneys at Wiley.
Fixing Up Cars Makes Me A Better Lawyer
From problem-solving to patience and adaptability to organization, the skills developed working under the hood of a car directly translate to being a more effective lawyer, says Christopher Mdeway at Kaufman Dolowich.
2024 Has Been A Momentous Year For ESG
Significant developments in the environmental, social and governance landscape this year include new legislation, evolving global frameworks, continued litigation and enforcement actions, and a U.S. Supreme Court decision that has already affected how lower courts have viewed some ESG challenges, say attorneys at Katten.
Making The Pitch To Grow Your Company's Legal Team
In a compressed economy, convincing the C-suite to invest in additional legal talent can be a herculean task, but a convincing pitch — supported by metrics and cost analyses — may help in-house counsel justify the growth of their team, say Elizabeth Smith and Roger Garceau at Major Lindsey.
Justices May Find Gov't Can Keep Fraudulent Transfer Benefit
Based on the justices' questions at the recently argued U.S. v. Miller, the Supreme Court appears prepared to hold that the U.S. — unlike any other creditor — is permitted to retain the benefits of a fraudulent transfer to the detriment of other bankruptcy creditors, says Kevin Morse at Clark Hill.
Why Letters Of Protection Are Discoverable In Texas PI Suits
Recent Texas Supreme Court opinions and key provisions of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure make letters of protection, in which plaintiff attorneys promise payment to healthcare providers based on jury awards, discoverable — good news for defendants fighting exorbitant damage claims in personal injury cases, says Nathan Vrazel at Munsch Hardt.
4 Trade Secret Pointers From 2024's Key IP Law Developments
Four significant 2024 developments in trade secret law yield practical tips about defending trade secrets overseas, proving unjust enrichment claims, forcing compliance with posttrial orders and using restrictive covenants to prevent employee leaks of confidential intellectual property, say attorneys at Faegre Drinker.
Data Privacy Landscape After Mass. Justices' Wiretap Ruling
In Vita v. New England Baptist Hospital, Massachusetts’ highest court recently ruled that the state’s wiretap law doesn’t prohibit all tracking of website user activity, but major financial and reputational risks remain for businesses that aren't transparent about customer’s web data, says Seth Berman at Nutter.
Ledbetter's Legacy Shines In 2024 Equal Pay Law Updates
The federal Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act turned 15 this year, and its namesake's legacy is likely to endure in 2025 and beyond, as demonstrated by 2024's state- and local-level progress on pay equity, as well as several rulings from federal appellate courts, say attorneys at Fisher Phillips.
Justices Rightly Corrected Course In Nvidia And Facebook
By dismissing both the Nvidia and Facebook class actions, over investors' ability to hold corporations accountable for fraud, the U.S. Supreme Court was right in refusing to favor corporations over transparency, and reaffirmed its commitment to corporate accountability, investor protection and the rule of law, says Laura Posner at Cohen Milstein.
Top 10 Whistleblowing And Retaliation Events Of 2024
From a Florida federal court’s ruling that the False Claims Act’s qui tam provision is unconstitutional to a record-breaking number of whistleblower tips filed with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, employers saw significant developments in the federal and state whistleblower landscapes this year, say attorneys at Proskauer.
When US Privilege Law Applies To Docs Made Outside The US
As globalization manifests itself in disputes over foreign-created documents, a California federal court’s recent trademark decision illustrates nuances of both U.S. privilege frameworks and foreign evidentiary protections that attorneys must increasingly bear in mind, say attorneys at Hunton.
How A 9th Circ. Identicality Ruling Could Affect AI Cos.
If the Ninth Circuit agrees to settle a district court split over whether the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires a copy to be identical to an original to support an actionable claim for removing copyright management information, the decision could have important ramifications for artificial intelligence businesses, says Maria Sinatra at Venable.
Ring In The New Year With An Updated Employee Handbook
One of the best New Year's resolutions employers can make is to update their employee handbooks, given that a handbook can mitigate, or even prevent, costly litigation as long as it accounts for recent changes in laws, court rulings and agency decisions, say attorneys at Kutak Rock.