
  • February 21, 2025

    Off The Bench: White House Hosts PGA Tour-LIV Golf Summit

    In this week's Off The Bench, the two former rival pro golf tours join the president to discuss their long-delayed combination, several NBA teams support a bid for the U.S. Supreme Court to keep copyright claims in check, and prosecutors charge Chilean nationals with robbing the homes of high-profile athletes.

  • February 21, 2025

    Nuke Plant Renewal Rules Ignore Climate Risks, DC Circ. Told

    Anti-nuclear power groups told the D.C. Circuit that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission unlawfully ignored accident risks due to aging equipment and climate change when it crafted new nuclear power plant license renewal rules.

  • February 21, 2025

    NC Justices Won't Take Up Judge's Ballot Challenge Early

    A North Carolina judge's bid to toss 60,000 ballots from the race for a seat on the state's high court that he lost by just 734 votes will not be going before the Tar Heel State justices early, according to a new order.

  • February 21, 2025

    NJ High Court Takes Up Pharma Co. Fraud Coverage Row

    The New Jersey Supreme Court will review an appeals court's ruling against indemnification in a case of first impression on the applicability of an exclusion barring directors and officers coverage for wrongful acts "in any way involving" an insured's work for an uninsured entity, the high court announced.

  • February 21, 2025

    2nd Circ. Sides With Cops Over 'Sense-Enhancing' IPhone

    Police in Connecticut did not "search" a suspect's parked car when using the Apple iPhone's camera function to peer through his tinted windows because they did not violate his reasonable expectation of privacy, a Second Circuit panel ruled in upholding a trial court's evidence decision.

  • February 21, 2025

    1st Circ. Revives Clean Air Claims Over Idling Shuttle Buses

    Excessive exhaust fumes and concerns about the negative health effects of pollution from idling buses are injuries in fact that can establish standing for members of an environmental advocacy group to sue over violations of the Clean Air Act, the First Circuit said on Thursday, reviving a 5-year-old lawsuit.

  • February 21, 2025

    Fed. Circ. Scraps Ruling On $14M Army Corps Contract Row

    A contract appeals board didn't fully consider the entirety of a modified contract before determining a company tapped to provide emergency power services in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico was not entitled to a $14 million claim, a Federal Circuit panel ruled.

  • February 21, 2025

    Justices Nix Expanded Sovereign Immunity Ruling

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned a D.C. Circuit ruling greenlighting expropriation claims brought by Holocaust survivors against Hungary, ruling that the historical commingling of assets is not enough to overcome the country's sovereign immunity.

  • February 21, 2025

    High Court Finds FCC's E-Rate Subject To False Claims Act

    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously Friday that telecoms participating in the federal E-Rate program supporting school and library connectivity can be sued for excess payouts under the False Claims Act because the subsidy's funds are provided through the U.S. Treasury.

  • February 21, 2025

    Justices Knock Ala. For Immunizing State Officials

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday ruled a group of Alabama unemployment applicants can pursue allegations that delays in the state's benefits review process violated their federal civil rights, holding a state law that requires litigants to exhaust administrative remedies before filing suit doesn't bar their procedural claims.

  • February 20, 2025

    FINRA Foe Asks Justices To Stay In-House Case

    A brokerage firm facing possible expulsion from the securities industry asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday to press pause on the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority's case against it while the justices decide whether to hear a challenge to the regulator's constitutionality. 

  • February 20, 2025

    Generic-Drug Group Rallies Behind Appeal In Entresto Fight

    A generic-drug industry group is weighing in on the Federal Circuit's move last month to revive a patent tied to Entresto, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp's blockbuster heart drug, warning that "the pharmaceutical industry is watching this case closely."

  • February 20, 2025

    3rd Circ. Rejects Appeal In Dog Magnet Design Spat

    The Third Circuit on Thursday rejected an appeal in a case in which two businesses accused each other of stealing designs for pet-themed car magnets, saying that, because there is no final judgment in the case, one of the companies can't challenge the lower court's refusal to issue a final judgment.

  • February 20, 2025

    Jones Day Atty Exits Menendez Bribery Case As Appeal Looms

    Yaakov Roth of Jones Day sought to withdraw Thursday from representing Robert Menendez following the former U.S. senator's convictions on bribery and corruption charges, leaving his Paul Hastings LLP team to steer the case at the trial level on the day after the government argued Menendez should not remain free on appeal.

  • February 20, 2025

    Green Groups Ask 9th Circ. To Press EPA Again On Atrazine

    Environmental groups are urging the Ninth Circuit to reopen a long-running case against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over its regulation around the pesticide atrazine, arguing that the agency's yearslong delay in completing a court-ordered review of the chemical has allowed "serious harm to people, plants and wildlife."

  • February 20, 2025

    Walgreens Says Theft Dispute Ruling Is 'Texbook Bad Law'

    An attorney for Walgreens told the Texas Supreme Court on Thursday that a lower appellate court's failure to dismiss a shopper's negligent hiring claim under the state's anti-SLAPP statute is " textbook bad law" because the court dismissed the underlying cause of action that the shopper's claim stems from.

  • February 20, 2025

    Del. Chief Justice Targets Social Media's Pressure On Courts

    Acknowledging that "some of those who lose don't take it well" and have tools to "cause judges great pain," Delaware's chief justice told a state budget panel Thursday that social media had amplified dissatisfaction with some court rulings despite global respect for the state's system.

  • February 20, 2025

    Fed. Circ. Backs TTAB's Denial Of Health Co.'s Proposed TM

    The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board correctly denied a healthcare management company's bid to register "Formularyhub" because it's a descriptive term, the Federal Circuit said Thursday.

  • February 20, 2025

    Enbridge's Pipeline Tunnel Approval OK'd By Mich. Panel

    A Michigan appellate court panel on Wednesday struck down environmental groups and tribal nations' challenge to a Michigan Public Service Commission's decision to allow Enbridge Energy to dig an underground tunnel to house part of an oil and natural gas pipeline, finding state regulators' decision was supported by evidence.

  • February 20, 2025

    9th Circ. OKs Bar On Ponzi Scam Suits Against Chicago Title

    The Ninth Circuit on Thursday upheld a ruling barring further litigation against Chicago Title and law firm Nossaman LLP over claims they aided convicted businesswoman Gina Champion-Cain's nearly $400 million liquor-licensing loan Ponzi scheme, finding the litigation bar is necessary to protect the ongoing U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission-appointed receivership.

  • February 20, 2025

    Fed. Circ. Revives Claims Over Maui Bypass Work Delays

    A Federal Circuit panel has directed the U.S. Court of Federal Claims to decide if the government flouted a construction contract after officials took nearly seven months to sign an agreement to relocate utilities and four months to obtain right of way for crews on a $38.7 million bypass relocation project in Maui.

  • February 20, 2025

    9th Circ. Won't Roll Back Birthright Citizenship Injunction

    The Ninth Circuit rejected President Donald Trump's emergency bid to partially halt a Washington federal court's injunction on his executive order limiting birthright citizenship.

  • February 20, 2025

    3rd Circ. Denies Concussion Benefits For 18 Ex-NFL Players

    The Third Circuit denied the families of 18 late NFL players access to funds under the league's historic concussion settlement Thursday, saying benefits can only be given to players diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy after death.

  • February 20, 2025

    Trump Seeks Fast Relief From Birthright Citizenship Injunction

    The Trump administration has asked the Fourth Circuit to reinstate an executive order ending birthright citizenship while challenging a Maryland judge's injunction, arguing that the judge's order is overbroad.

  • February 20, 2025

    9th Circ Asks Calif. High Court To Rule On Insurance Lapse

    A Ninth Circuit panel asked the California Supreme Court on Thursday to clarify whether state laws regarding the steps insurance companies must take before canceling a policy for premium non-payment apply to policies issued out-of-state but later maintained in California, in a case over a widow's $2 million claim against a MetLife unit.

Expert Analysis

  • 2nd Circ. Hostile Workplace Ruling Widens Arbitration Pitfalls

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    The Second Circuit’s recent decision, affirming the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act applies to a worker whose workplace hostility claims arose before the law’s 2022 enactment, widens the scope of the law — and the risks of unenforceable arbitration agreements for employers, say attorneys at Hinshaw.

  • 2nd Circ. Maxwell Ruling Adds To Confusion Over NPA Reach

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    The Second Circuit’s recent decision upholding Ghislaine Maxwell’s conviction made an analytical leap in applying plea agreement precedent to a nonprosecution agreement, compounding a circuit split and providing lessons for defense counsel, say attorneys at Kropf Moseley.

  • The Fed. Circ. In October: Aetna And License-Term Review

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    The Federal Circuit's recent decision that Aetna's credit card licensing agreement with AlexSam did not give the insurer immunity from patent infringement claims serves to warn licensees to read their contracts carefully, say attorneys at Knobbe Martens.

  • Recent Developments In Insurance Coverage For FCA Claims

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    As the U.S. Department of Justice continues its vigorous False Claims Act enforcement, companies looking to their insurers to help defray the costs of an investigation or settlement should note recent decisions on which types of policies cover FCA claims, which policy periods apply and which portions of FCA-related losses are covered, say attorneys at Covington.

  • Striking A Balance Between AI Use And Attorney Well-Being

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    As the legal industry increasingly adopts generative artificial intelligence tools to boost efficiency, leaders must note the hidden costs of increased productivity, and work to protect attorneys’ well-being while unlocking AI’s full potential, says Ed Sohn at Factor.

  • Boosting Confidence In Pennsylvania's Election System

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    As Election Day nears, Pennsylvania is facing an intense flurry of litigation, including an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court centered on mail-in and provisional ballots, but the state's election system is robust, and attorneys from all practice areas have an important role to play in ensuring confidence in and access to our election system, says Bucks County Commissioner Bob Harvie.

  • Takeaways From The IRS' Crypto Doc Summons Win

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    A recent First Circuit decision holding that taxpayers do not have a Fourth Amendment reasonable expectation of privacy in cryptocurrency transaction records should prompt both taxpayers and exchanges to take stock of past transactions and future plans, say attorneys at BakerHostetler.

  • A Novel Expansion Of Alien Tort Statute In 9th Circ.

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    The Ninth Circuit's Doe v. Cisco rehearing denial allows a new invocation of the Alien Tort Statute to proceed, which could capture the U.S. Supreme Court's attention, and has potentially dramatic consequences for U.S. companies doing business with foreign governments, say attorneys at Ropes & Gray.

  • Empathy In Mediation Offers A Soft Landing For Disputes

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    Experiencing a crash-landing on a recent flight underscored to me how much difference empathy makes in times of crisis or stress, including during mediation, says Eydith Kaufman at Alternative Resolution Centers.

  • Series

    Being An Artist Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    My work as an artist has highlighted how using creativity and precision together — qualities that are equally essential in both art and law — not only improves outcomes, but also leads to more innovative and thoughtful work, says Sarah La Pearl at Segal McCambridge.

  • Reading Tea Leaves In Fed. Circ. Deep Dive On Review Scope

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    Roy Wepner at Kaplan Breyer investigates why a recent Federal Circuit opinion spent six pages explaining its unsurprising conclusion on proper scope of review — that no deference need be afforded to the trial court in a case dismissed for failure to state a claim.

  • How Judiciary Can Minimize AI Risks In Secondary Sources

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    Because courts’ standing orders on generative artificial intelligence and other safeguards do not address the risk of hallucinations in secondary source materials, the judiciary should consider enlisting legal publishers and database hosts to protect against AI-generated inaccuracies, say attorneys at Lankler Siffert & Wohl.

  • Newly Acquired Information Can Be Key In Drug Label Cases

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    The question of whether federal law preempts state law claims is often central in pharmaceutical labeling cases, like the Fosamax litigation now before the Third Circuit — but parties must also consider whether there is newly acquired information to justify submitting a proposed labeling change in the first place, say attorneys at Arnold & Porter.

  • Tips For Employers As Courts Shift On Paid Leave Bias Suits

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    After several federal courts recently cited the U.S. Supreme Court's Muldrow decision — which held that job transfers could be discriminatory — in ruling that paid administrative leave may also constitute an adverse employment action, employers should carefully consider several points before suspending workers, says Tucker Camp at Foley & Lardner.

  • NC Ruling Takes Practical Approach To Duty-To-Defend Costs

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    In Murphy-Brown v. Ace American Insurance, a case of first impression, the North Carolina Business Court adopted the commonsense rationale of many state courts in holding that policyholders' defense costs should be deemed presumtively reasonable when a insurer breaches its duty to defend, say attorneys at McGuireWoods.

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