Davis Wright Staffer's Death Not Linked To COVID-19

By Kevin Penton
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Law360 (March 16, 2020, 6:08 PM EDT ) A Davis Wright Tremaine LLP executive legal assistant who died last week after leaving her Washington state office with flu-like symptoms tested negative for COVID-19, the firm announced on Monday.

Lisa Carney, 60, died from an underlying health condition, Washington state health officials told the firm, according to Jeff Gray, Davis Wright Tremaine's managing partner.

"We're all still grieving this loss to our community and are making arrangements to celebrate Lisa's life and service to the firm," Gray said in a statement. "We're grateful for our firm's continued commitment to each other and our clients and for the outpouring of support from the entire legal community over the past few days."

Carney left her Bellevue, Washington, office on March 10, worked remotely on March 11 and was found dead in her home the following day, the firm said. After her death, Davis Wright Tremaine moved to close its Bellevue and Seattle offices as a precaution, as well as its location in Portland, Oregon. The firm continues to ask all of its employees in its five other offices to work remotely for the "foreseeable future," Gray said.

The firm's announcement comes as cases of the novel coronavirus continue to climb in the U.S., with 769 cases and 42 deaths in Washington state alone as of yesterday, up from 457 cases and 31 deaths on Thursday, according to the state's Department of Health.

--Editing by Amy Rowe.

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