Deals Rumor Mill: Verizon, Riverstone, Total

By Karlee Weinmann ( June 26, 2013, 2:37 PM EDT) -- Verizon Communications Inc. is bearing down on plans to expand into Canada with its $700 million offer for Wind Mobile, the Globe and Mail reported Wednesday. The New York company has been circling Canadian wireless carriers, and also recently kicked off takeover talks with a separate startup provider, Mobilcity. Verizon joins a slew of companies swirling around the Canadian companies, a half-decade after the country's government pushed for more competition among its mobile carriers, including through a spectrum auction meant to level the field. But even though it scooped up spectrum in the sale, Wind Mobile and other smaller providers have lagged against their big-name competitors, leaving them marked as targets for big-name suitors like Verizon, the top wireless provider in the U.S....

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