High Court Looks To Pregnancy Law Post-Hobby Lobby

Law360, New York ( August 7, 2014, 10:49 AM EDT) -- Just one day after the U.S. Supreme Court issued its controversial decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, upholding the religious rights of closely held, for-profit employers to refuse to include certain contraceptives in their health plans, the court set the stage for fireworks next summer. In Young v. United Parcel Service Inc., the Supreme Court agreed to hear the appeal of a part-time UPS driver who sued her employer because she believed the company's failure to provide her a modified work schedule as a workplace accommodation violated the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act. While the topic may not be as hot button as religion and contraceptives, the question of pregnancy discrimination is bound to get the cable news channel talking heads busy when the Court issues its decision, likely next June....

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