RE Rumor Mill: Hudson's Bay, Junior's Restaurant, Plaza Hotel

By Kaitlin Ugolik ( September 9, 2014, 1:29 PM EDT) -- Hudson's Bay Co., the parent company of Saks Fifth Avenue and Lord & Taylor, has reportedly singled out two potential sites for its new office in Lower Manhattan, both at Brookfield Place. The New York Post reported that Hudson's Bay Co. is looking for a 400,000-square-foot spot at either 225 Liberty St. or 250 Vesey St., at what was formerly known as the World Financial Center. The company has been looking for an office space near its new 90,000-square-foot department store planned for Brookfield Place, and while it was originally rumored that this might mean a spot at One Liberty Plaza, sources told the Post that the company will likely put its office much closer to the new store....

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