Law360, New York ( November 24, 2014, 10:24 AM EST) -- Sidney Kanazawa is a Los Angeles-based partner with McGuireWoods LLP and has resolved thousands of disputes, including more than 2,000 within three months of a massive oil spill. In November 2014, he and the firm were awarded the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association's 2014 President's Award for Kanazawa's years of service as NAPABA's pro bono general counsel and for the firm's pro bono legal work on behalf of NAPABA and its annual sponsorship of two fellowships for the NAPABA Law Foundation. Kanazawa is a fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America, a sustaining member of the Product Liability Advisory Counsel, an invited member of the American Law Institute and the Maritime Law Association, and serves as chairman of the Diversity Subcommittee of the ABA Standing Committee on Continuing Legal Education. He is a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee at McGuireWoods and chairman of the firm's Asian Pacific Lawyers' Network....
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