A Data Security Checklist For Companies Hiring Law Firms

Law360, New York ( January 22, 2015, 6:50 PM EST) -- All too often, we trust our law firms with huge amounts of data, whether in or out of discovery, investigations or litigation. We have to trust in our legal provider, and we have relied on privilege, confidentiality and attorney ethics as a proxy for data protection and information security. In fact, however, law firms ought to be held to a much more stringent and documented standard for data protection, retention-disposition and access, and information management. Law firms have been noted as one of the weakest links in data security and only very recently have become a focus of security questionnaires by their corporate clients. So how does a corporate client of one or several law firms evaluate security, enforce remediation and shore up its data once it goes "over the fence" either in discovery or in the course of any contract or transactional engagement?...

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