This Week In Congress: Export-Import Bank And The NDAA

Law360, New York ( June 7, 2015, 9:29 PM EDT) -- This week the Senate will continue its consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), with Senate Democrats threatening to filibuster the bill. The fiscal year 2016 NDAA provides a budget blueprint for defense-related activities at the Pentagon and other federal agencies, and proposes several changes to U.S. Department of Defense management and acquisition practices. While these proposed changes are an issue for Democrats, the main objection to the legislation is the inclusion of funds for Department of Defense activities that exceed the spending limits established by statutory caps in the 2011 budget agreement and sequester. The NDAA provides an additional $38 billion in funding for the Pentagon through the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) account, an account for war-related expenses which is exempt from discretionary caps. Congressional Democrats and the Obama administration call the additional funding provided to the Pentagon through OCO a budgeting "gimmick" and have called for Republican leadership to "properly fund the Defense Department." The showdown over NDAA and defense appropriations now may spill over into other funding measures because Senate Democratic leadership has threatened to hold up the entire appropriations process and not allow consideration of any appropriations bills until a new spending framework is negotiated to provide an increase in domestic spending equal to that being provided for defense operations under the OCO account. President Obama has already threatened to veto the NDAA, as well as the appropriations bills at their current funding levels....

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