In Congress: Obamacare, Defense Funding, Litigation Reform

Law360, New York ( March 5, 2017, 9:51 PM EST) -- Last week saw the president's first speech to a joint session of Congress. The speech was widely regarded as a success, though its long-term effect in Congress is likely to be muted. Following the speech, Washington returned to a frenzy over contacts between persons involved in the Trump campaign and Russia. It is against this contentious backdrop that Congress returns to work this week. Legislative business in the Senate continues to follow the pattern of previous weeks, with consideration of resolutions of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act and confirmation of the president's appointees to federal agencies. The House will be taking up litigation reform legislation and appropriations legislation to fund the Defense Department through the remainder of fiscal year 2017. The highest profile activity in Congress this week, though, is expected to take place in the relevant House committees, which plan to mark up the legislation to begin to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act....

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