Law360, New York ( March 12, 2017, 10:21 PM EDT) -- Much of the attention on Capitol Hill this week will remain focused on activity surrounding the House Republican proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The plan so far has been met with mixed reviews, with a number of Republican members in both chambers expressing their opposition to the legislation in its current form. The conservative members of the House Freedom Caucus and Senator Rand Paul, R-Ky., held a press conference last week stating the bill did not go far enough in repealing all of the provisions of the ACA. On the other hand, four more moderate Republican senators sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to express their opposition to the House bill in its current form because of its impact on the ACA's expansion of Medicaid. Despite this opposition, the bill is advancing through the legislative process. The House Energy and Commerce Committee and House Ways and Means Committee held marathon markups on the provisions under their jurisdictions last week, and both committees reported the legislation favorably on Thursday. This week, the House Budget Committee, under the new leadership of Chairman Diane Black, R-Tenn., who succeeded former chairman and now Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price upon his confirmation to his new role, is scheduled to hold its markup of the bill on Wednesday in the form of a reconciliation measure. Once out of the Budget Committee, the bill will be ready for floor consideration of the measure. In addition to the Budget Committee markup, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is expected to produce its score of the legislation on Monday; the nonpartisan agency's estimate of the costs and consequences of the bill on the federal budget could play a critical role in dictating the fate of the current bill and the momentum behind the repeal and replace efforts in Congress....
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