In Congress: Light Floor Schedule, Heavy On Committees
Law360, New York ( March 26, 2017, 9:37 PM EDT) -- Republican leadership in the House and Senate will need to refocus their efforts this week on their agenda for the 115th Congress, following the failure of the House leadership's proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act last week when Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., was forced to cancel a much-anticipated vote on the GOP proposal after it became clear there was not enough Republican support for the measure in the House. The lead-up to the canceled vote highlighted the divisions within the Republican conference. The long-term implications of the failure of the health care bill are uncertain, but the failure to advance the bill will no doubt have short-term implications for the agenda, including this week's Senate floor schedule. The Senate had planned to tackle the House-passed bill this week, but will now move to other matters. Republican leadership and the president will be looking to regroup this week to consider the strategy for moving other legislative priorities in the months ahead. Most pressing will be the need to keep the government funded and operating beyond April 28, when the current funding legislation expires....
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