Untold Stories: Trump's Budget Would Silence Legal Services

By Kevin Curnin, Association of Pro Bono Counsel ( April 3, 2017, 2:08 PM EDT) -- Imagine a modestly funded federal program that efficiently provides the poor with critical services, not only in every state in the union, but in every county of every state. Further imagine that this program both leverages private dollars and yields significant public cost savings. The program helps protect the elderly from unfair evictions, young couples from robo-foreclosures, disabled persons from discrimination at work and in school, battered women from their abusers, and veterans from wrongful denial of benefits. The program emerged from the civil rights movement and took shape during the war on poverty. It is apolitical and bipartisan by design. Every year, it serves over a million people who would otherwise be on their own and, almost certainly, out of luck....

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