13 FCPA Enforcement Actions Resolved In 2017 So Far

By Marc Bohn, Michael Skopets and Leah Moushey, Miller & Chevalier Chtd. ( May 4, 2017, 11:11 AM EDT) -- The first three weeks of 2017 served as a capstone to the flurry of enforcement activity under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act that marked the end of 2016, while the remainder of the quarter saw little in the way of additional enforcement actions by the U.S. authorities. Notwithstanding the drop in FCPA resolutions following President Donald Trump's inauguration, there are no significant indications that FCPA enforcement efforts by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice will shift dramatically under the Trump administration. Indeed, other recent developments suggest that the agencies will continue to pursue both corporate and individual cases under the statute....

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