The Latest In The Fight Against Revenge Porn

By Jill Stanley Cohen, Cohen & Cohen PC ( May 5, 2017, 10:43 AM EDT) -- Revenge porn. Cyber exploitation. Nonconsensual pornography. Whatever one calls the act of distributing nude images of another person without their consent does not matter, what does matter is that it is a criminal act in 36 states (as well as the District of Columbia), civil actions are being filed based on it, the U.S. military has made it unlawful, and even Facebook has taken steps to fight it. With the proliferation of social media, revenge porn, as it will be referred to throughout this article, has become a very, very serious issue. The recent nude photo scandal involving the military as well the attempts by actress Mischa Barton's former boyfriend to sell intimate images of her has brought this heinous act into the forefront of public discussion....

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