5 Key Points For Effective Employee Data Security Policies

By Daniel Marvin ( June 28, 2017, 1:31 PM EDT) -- Every business should view cybersecurity as an integral part of its overall risk management strategy and be committed to data protection. But even with the most up-to-date technology protocols in place, the human element remains the biggest threat to data security. Negligent employees can, and do, cause as much damage as hackers, and businesses should do all they can to make sure that their employees are well-trained and aware of the potential negative impacts that their actions could have as they interact with company systems on a day-to-day basis. Having well-trained employees and policies in place with respect to data protection will not only reduce the threat of data loss, but can also blunt the impact of negative regulatory and legal consequences that can arise should data be lost or stolen. However, for businesses without an employee data security policy in place, creating one, either in-house or with the assistance of counsel, can seem like a daunting task. Below are five general key points which can help you get started and serve as the foundation of your policy....

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