By Tamara Kurtzman ( August 7, 2017, 1:57 PM EDT) -- In the ever-popular drive to increase road safety, drivers in some states may soon be facing a new technology designed to deter and identify distracted drivers. The "textalyzer" is a mobile, tablet-like device that, once connected to a cellphone, purports to reveal whether any phone activity (such as texting, emailing or surfing the internet) occurred in proximity to the device. While the manufacturer of the "textalyzer," Cellebrite Inc., a global forensics technology firm, claims that the technology would not allow police to have access to the underlying content of messages, only to information regarding the timing of them, it should not be lost on anyone that Cellebrite is the same company that has assisted government agencies in unlocking cellphones in the past and touts its 15,000 law enforcement and military customers that use Cellebrite technology to gain "deep insight from devices."...
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