Real Estate Rumors: Sidewalk Labs, Allakos, CalPERS

By Andrew McIntyre ( May 7, 2020, 7:45 PM EDT) -- The Toronto government body that's been negotiating with a Google affiliate for a new campus in the city had in recent weeks reached terms of a $1.3 billion deal it was comfortable with, and it was the Google affiliate that called the deal off, the Globe and Mail reported on Thursday, citing a source with knowledge of the matter. Google's Sidewalk Labs said Thursday it's abandoning a project years in the making to build a planned community on Toronto's waterfront, and the Globe reported Thursday that the ball had been in Sidewalk Labs' court and that Waterfront Toronto had been seeking a financial commitment from Sidewalk Labs. The city initially awarded Google the right to plan a 12-acre project and Google had at one point to sought to build on 192 acres, only to later scale back to 12 acres, according to the report....

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