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December 13, 2024
UnitedHealth To Pay $69M In Suit Over 401(k) Fund Roster
UnitedHealth Group has agreed to pay $69 million to settle a class action claiming it included low-performing investment options in its 401(k) plan to preserve its business relationship with Wells Fargo, according to a filing Friday in Minnesota federal court.
December 12, 2024
Medicare Could Lose Billions From 'Patent Abuse,' Group Says
The $6 billion a year Medicare is supposed to save by negotiating drug prices under the Inflation Reduction Act is close to the billions of dollars the government could lose due to "patent abuse" by drugmakers, according to a new report by a consumer interest group.
December 12, 2024
Wash. Justices OK Tax Break For Pharmacy Benefits Manager
A Washington pharmacy benefits manager is exempt from a state business tax on its services for Medicaid patients because its corporate sibling paid premium taxes in connection with the same services, the state's high court affirmed Thursday.
December 12, 2024
Sony, Bungie Face $200M Defamation Suit Over Exec's Ouster
Former Bungie Inc. gaming software director and designer Christopher Barrett sued the company and parent Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC for $200 million in damages in Delaware's Court of Chancery on Thursday, claiming defamation and constructive dismissal while accusing the companies of leaking false sexual misconduct allegations.
December 12, 2024
2nd Circ. Upends Arbitration Order In Bakery Drivers' Suit
The Second Circuit voided its prior ruling that a bakery's delivery drivers must arbitrate claims alleging they were misclassified as independent contractors, saying Thursday the question of whether they are exempt from arbitration is up in the air after the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in on the suit.
December 12, 2024
Woody Allen Axed Private Chef Over Military Duties, Suit Says
Filmmaker Woody Allen fired a personal chef because he repeatedly complained he wasn't being properly paid and had to take time off to participate in military exercises as a member of the U.S. Army Reserve, according to a lawsuit filed in New York federal court.
December 11, 2024
Tesla Stockholder Contests $345M Musk Pay Fight Fee In Del.
A Tesla Inc. stockholder has asked to intervene in the Delaware Court of Chancery class derivative case that scuttled CEO Elon Musk's 10-year, $55.6 billion compensation plan, citing objections to court approval of a stock or cash fee award for class attorneys worth $345 million.
December 11, 2024
Google Targeted New Parents For Layoffs, Calif. Suit Says
Google was sued in California state court Wednesday by a former training manager who says the tech giant chose her and six colleagues for layoffs last year because of their decisions to take parental leave.
December 11, 2024
DA Says Allegheny County Pension System Risks Insolvency
The Allegheny County employee retirement coffers could run out of money within 15 years, the Pennsylvania jurisdiction's top prosecutor warned in a lawsuit seeking to make the county and the retirement board fix the allegedly floundering system.
December 11, 2024
Wisconsin Healthcare Co. Strikes Deal To End 401(k) Fee Suit
A Wisconsin healthcare organization has agreed to settle a proposed class action alleging it allowed its 401(k) plan to pay exorbitant administrative fees and cost employees millions of dollars in retirement savings, according to a Wednesday federal court filing.
December 11, 2024
Insurer Seeks $900K For Conn. Dehumidifier Fire Damages
An insurer said it is entitled to recover over $900,000 from a dehumidifier manufacturer and its subsidiaries for costs the carrier incurred in covering a policyholder's house fire, telling a Connecticut federal court that the manufacturer's product was defective and unreasonably dangerous.
December 11, 2024
6 Firms Guide Nippon Life's $8.2B Resolution Life Acquisition
Japanese life insurer Nippon Life said Wednesday that it has agreed to buy the remaining 77% stake in holding group Resolution Life that it does not already own for $8.2 billion.
December 10, 2024
2nd Circ. Backs Deloitte's Win In 401(k) Fee Suit
The Second Circuit said a trial court correctly tossed a proposed class action by a group of workers claiming Deloitte saddled its $7.3 billion retirement plan with excessive recordkeeping fees, stating they couldn't overcome concerns that their claims amounted to comparisons of apples to oranges.
December 10, 2024
OptumHealth Rejects ERISA Fee Class Deal, Eyes Trial
OptumHealth Care Solutions LLC has told a North Carolina federal court that it is ready to bring a certified ERISA class action to trial following its rejection of a settlement that had been taking shape for nearly a year because the deal would not include a full release of all claims.
December 10, 2024
Nippon Life In Late Talks To Buy Resolution Life For $8.2B
Global insurer Resolution Life said Tuesday that it was in the "final stages of discussions" to sell the business to Nippon Life Insurance, reportedly for $8.2 billion.
December 10, 2024
Fed. Circ. Says VA Board Had The Power To Scrap Atty's Fee
The Federal Circuit has ruled that a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs administrative tribunal was within its rights to scrap a 20% fee awarded to an attorney dropped from a veteran's benefits challenge, saying the "tortured history" of the dispute does not reflect well on the department.
December 10, 2024
NJ Panel Revives Union's Suit Over Sick Leave Policies
A New Jersey appeals court upended Jersey City's win in a firefighters union's lawsuit challenging two city policies pertaining to sick leave, finding Tuesday the union put forward enough information to defeat the city's dismissal bid.
December 09, 2024
Roberts Questions Gov't View On Reservist Top-Up Pay Law
U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts on Monday pressed the federal government to explain why federally employed military reservists called to duty during emergencies aren't always owed top-up payments, suggesting it made a strained interpretation of differential pay law.
December 09, 2024
3rd Circ. Affirms NLRB's COVID-19 Bonus Pay Order
The Third Circuit upheld on Monday a National Labor Relations Board decision finding a New Jersey nursing home illegally cut or stopped COVID-19 bonuses for unionized workers, supporting the board's assertion that the bonuses were hazard pay that the company was required to negotiate with the union.
December 09, 2024
Kellogg Retirees Say DOL's Brief Backs 6th Circ. Revival
A proposed class of married Kellogg retirees alleging their pension annuity payouts were lowballed by the cereal company due to outdated mortality assumptions used in conversions is urging the Sixth Circuit to heed a recently filed brief from the U.S. Department of Labor backing workers seeking to revive a similar dispute in the Eleventh Circuit.
December 09, 2024
EV Carmaker Lucid Wants To Shed More Of Inflated Biz Suit
Electric carmaker Lucid Group has asked a California federal judge to toss most of the latest version of a proposed investor class action alleging its production forecasts were misleading, arguing that parts of the suit that remained intact after a recent dismissal order involved statements taken out of context.
December 09, 2024
UCLA Student Sues Doctors Over Transgender Misdiagnosis
A UCLA student has sued a group of doctors in Los Angeles state court, alleging she was misdiagnosed with gender dysphoria when she was 12 and rushed into taking puberty blockers and testosterone and having a mastectomy before she realized she wasn't transgender.
December 09, 2024
Bed Bath & Beyond Irons Out 401(k) Fee Suit Deal
Bed Bath & Beyond has agreed to settle a suit from workers alleging mismanagement of an employee 401(k) plan, according to a joint filing from the parties entered Monday in New Jersey federal court.
December 09, 2024
Justices Spurn Worker's Challenge To 'Honest Belief' Firing
The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to review a Fourth Circuit decision holding that a Baltimore utility's "honest belief" that a worker was misusing medical leave justified the employee's termination, according to high court orders released Monday.
December 09, 2024
Justices Won't Review Massive Class In Fringe Benefits Fight
The U.S. Supreme Court refused Monday to hear a challenge to a 290,000-worker class in a suit alleging excessive health and retirement plan fees, despite an argument from benefits plan managers that the Fifth Circuit used the wrong standard to greenlight the massive suit.
Expert Analysis
Stay Interviews Are Key To Retaining Legal Talent
Even as the economy shifts and layoffs continue, law firms still want to retain their top attorneys, and so-called stay interviews — informal conversations with employees to identify potential issues before they lead to turnover — can be a crucial tool for improving retention and morale, say Tina Cohen Nicol and Kate Reder Sheikh at Major Lindsey.
Spray Painting Makes Me A Better Lawyer
My experiences as an abstract spray paint artist have made me a better litigator, demonstrating — in more ways than one — how fluidity and flexibility are necessary parts of a successful legal practice, says Erick Sandlin at Bracewell.
5th Circ. NFL Disability Ruling Turns ERISA On Its Head
The Fifth Circuit's March 15 ruling in Cloud v. NFL Player Retirement Plan upheld the plan's finding that an NFL player was not entitled to reclassification because he couldn't show changed circumstances, which is contrary to the goal of accurate Employee Retirement Income Security Act claims processing, says Mark DeBofsky at DeBofsky Law.
Judicial Independence Is Imperative This Election Year
As the next election nears, the judges involved in the upcoming trials against former President Donald Trump increasingly face political pressures and threats of violence — revealing the urgent need to safeguard judicial independence and uphold the rule of law, says Benes Aldana at the National Judicial College.
Riding My Peloton Bike Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Using the Peloton platform for cycling, running, rowing and more taught me that fostering a mind-body connection will not only benefit you physically and emotionally, but also inspire stamina, focus, discipline and empathy in your legal career, says Christopher Ward at Polsinelli.
Spartan Arbitration Tactics Against Well-Funded Opponents
Like the ancient Spartans who held off a numerically superior Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae, trial attorneys and clients faced with arbitration against an opponent with a bigger war chest can take a strategic approach to create a pass to victory, say Kostas Katsiris and Benjamin Argyle at Venable.
The Future Of ERISA If High Court Ends Chevron Deference
The U.S. Supreme Court's upcoming decisions in two cases involving fishing company challenges to regulatory requirements could weaken or repeal Chevron deference, meaning U.S. Department of Labor regulations adopted under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act may be heavily scrutinized, modified or vacated by federal courts, say Naina Kamath and Julie Stapel at Morgan Lewis.
What Recent Study Shows About AI's Promise For Legal Tasks
Amid both skepticism and excitement about the promise of generative artificial intelligence in legal contexts, the first randomized controlled trial studying its impact on basic lawyering tasks shows mixed but promising results, and underscores the need for attorneys to proactively engage with AI, says Daniel Schwarcz at University of Minnesota Law School.
Litigation Inspiration: A Source Of Untapped Fulfillment
As increasing numbers of attorneys struggle with stress and mental health issues, business litigators can find protection against burnout by remembering their important role in society — because fulfillment in one’s work isn’t just reserved for public interest lawyers, say Bennett Rawicki and Peter Bigelow at Hilgers Graben.
Skiing Makes Me A Better Lawyer
A lifetime of skiing has helped me develop important professional skills, and taught me that embracing challenges with a spirit of adventure can allow lawyers to push boundaries, expand their capabilities and ultimately excel in their careers, says Andrea Przybysz at Tucker Ellis.
Think Like A Lawyer: Forget Everything You Know About IRAC
The mode of legal reasoning most students learn in law school, often called “Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion,” or IRAC, erroneously frames analysis as a separate, discrete step, resulting in disorganized briefs and untold obfuscation — but the fix is pretty simple, says Luke Andrews at Poole Huffman.
Employers, Prep For Shorter Stock Awards Settlement Cycle
Companies that provide equity compensation in the form of publicly traded stock will soon have one less day to complete such transactions under U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Nasdaq rules — so employers should implement expedited equity compensation stock settlement and payroll tax deposit procedures now, say attorneys at Morgan Lewis.
How Firms Can Ensure Associate Gender Parity Lasts
Among associates, women now outnumber men for the first time, but progress toward gender equality at the top of the legal profession remains glacially slow, and firms must implement time-tested solutions to ensure associates’ gender parity lasts throughout their careers, say Kelly Culhane and Nicole Joseph at Culhane Meadows.
7 Common Myths About Lateral Partner Moves
As lateral recruiting remains a key factor for law firm growth, partners considering a lateral move should be aware of a few commonly held myths — some of which contain a kernel of truth, and some of which are flat out wrong, says Dave Maurer at Major Lindsey.
Cheering In The NFL Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Balancing my time between a BigLaw career and my role as an NFL cheerleader has taught me that pursuing your passions outside of work is not a distraction, but rather an opportunity to harness important skills that can positively affect how you approach work and view success in your career, says Rachel Schuster at Sheppard Mullin.