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June 24, 2013
State Compensation Insurance Fund v. Michael D Drobot Sr et al
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
- ArentFox Schiff
- Barnes & Thornburg
- Berry Silberberg
- Bird Marella
- Braun & Braun
- Buchalter APC
- Carlson & Jayakumar
- Christensen Hsu
- Epps & Coulson
- Greenberg Gross
- Halpern May
- Hathaway Parker
- Hooper Lundy
- Hueston Hennigan
- Irell & Manella
- Ishimatsu Law Group
- Keesal Young
- Kinsella Weitzman
- La Follette Johnson
- Latham & Watkins
- Loeb & Loeb
- Manatt Phelps
- Michelman & Robinson
- Munger Tolles
- Newmeyer & Dillion
- Novian & Novian
- Reavis Page
- Roxborough Pomerance
- Sheppard Mullin
- Sparks Law Firm
- Stradling Yocca
- Werksman Jackson
- Zweiback Fiset
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Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
June 27, 2016
Hueston Hennigan DQ Order Stands In Kickback Fraud Suit
A California federal judge didn't budge Friday from an earlier ruling disqualifying Hueston Hennigan LLP from representing the California State Compensation Insurance Fund in a pair of kickback suits against physicians over the firm's simultaneous representation of an individual charged in a related criminal action, saying signed conflict of interest waivers didn't reflect "informed written consent."
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