Carol LaPlant v. Class Counsel and Party to Arb, et al

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Case Number:



Appellate - 9th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

3790 Other Labor Litigation

Sectors & Industries:

  1. December 17, 2013

    9th Circ. Leaves $28M Wal-Mart MDL Fee Allocation Intact

    The Ninth Circuit upheld an arbitrator's allocation Tuesday of $28 million in fees among plaintiffs' lawyers in multidistrict overtime litigation against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. that settled for $85 million, but added that parties may not contractually eliminate all judicial review of arbitration awards. 

  2. October 08, 2013

    Biased Wal-Mart Atty Fees Should be Axed, 9th Circ. Hears

    A law firm that represented a class of Wal-Mart Inc. workers in multidistrict overtime-pay litigation urged the Ninth Circuit Tuesday to reverse a federal court's refusal to vacate an allegedly disproportionate allocation of $28 million in attorney fees decided by an arbitrator who purportedly hid his biases against the firm.

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