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March 16, 2014
Simplexity, LLC
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Archer & Greiner
- Ashby & Geddes
- Barnes & Thornburg
- Blank Rome
- Certilman Balin
- Connolly Gallagher
- Cross & Simon
- Faegre Drinker
- Flaster Greenberg
- Fox Rothschild
- FrankGecker
- Gellert Scali
- Gibson Dunn
- Goldberg Kohn
- Hunton Andrews
- Kilpatrick Townsend
- Klehr Harrison
- K&L Gates
- Landis Rath
- Margolis Edelstein
- McCarter & English
- McGuireWoods
- Miller Nash LLP
- Monzack Mersky
- Morris James
- Morris Nichols
- Peitzman Weg
- Polsinelli PC
- Potter Anderson
- Richards Layton
- Robins Kaplan
- Robinson & Cole
- Rosner Law Group LLC
- Smith Katzenstein
- Stradley Ronon
- Sullivan & Cromwell
- UB Greensfelder
- White and Williams
- Whiteford Taylor
- WilmerHale
- Womble Bond
- Young Conaway
- Aetna Inc.
- AT&T Inc.
- Brightstar Corp.
- Delta Air Lines Inc.
- EE Ltd.
- Equinix Inc.
- Experian PLC
- Fifth Third Bancorp
- Kmart Corp.
- Microsoft Corp.
- Oracle Corp.
- Reliance Communications Ltd.
- Target Corp.
- The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc.
- T-Mobile US Inc.
- Universal Service Administrative Co.
- Versa Capital Management Inc.
- VXI Global Solutions LLC
- Walmart Inc.
- Worldpay LLC
- Yahoo Inc.
Government Agencies
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View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
January 06, 2017
Simplexity Ch. 7 Suit Against Versa, Officers Goes Ahead
A liquidation trustee for defunct cellphone activator Simplexity LLC on Thursday won the green light to move ahead with a Delaware bankruptcy court lawsuit against the company's former officers and managers for alleged corporate duty failures leading to the business's Chapter 7.
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