Red Eagle Entertainment, LLC et al v. Bandersnatch Group, Inc. et al

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Case Number:



California Central

Nature of Suit:

Assault Libel & Slander


Stephen V. Wilson

  1. July 06, 2015

    'Wheel Of Time' Author's Widow, Producers End Slander Row

    The producers of a TV adaptation of Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" fantasy book series have settled their slander suit accusing the author's widow of ridiculing the pilot that aired days before the producers' rights were set to expire, according to documents filed in California federal court Thursday.

  2. February 12, 2015

    'Wheel Of Time' TV Producers Sue For Slander In Rights Row

    The producers of a TV adaptation of Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" fantasy book series accused the author's widow of slander on Thursday in California federal court, alleging she publicly ridiculed the pilot that aired days before the producers' rights were set to expire.   

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