Global TelLink v. FCC, et al

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - DC Circuit

Nature of Suit:

Government Agencies

  1. June 07, 2016

    AGs Urge DC Circ. To Kill FCC Rate Caps On Inmate Calls

    Nine state attorneys general and a pair of sheriff's associations added to criticism of the Federal Communications Commission's rate caps on phone calls from inmates, asking D.C. Circuit on Monday to strike down the FCC's rules.

  2. June 06, 2016

    Prison Phone Co. Tells DC Circ. FCC Rate Caps Are Unjust

    A prison telephone services company criticized the Federal Communications Commission's rate caps on phone calls from inmates, telling the D.C. Circuit on Friday that the agency's new rules violate a fundamental principle of regulation by preventing the company from profiting from its investment.

  3. February 29, 2016

    FCC Says Okla. Too Late With Inmate Call Reform Protest

    The Federal Communications Commission on Friday blasted a move by Oklahoma at the D.C. Circuit seeking to pause an FCC order that imposed new caps on what inmate calling services can charge customers, saying the state missed a court-imposed deadline and a delay would harm public interest.

  4. February 16, 2016

    FCC Slams Bid To Stay Rate Caps On Inmate Calls

    The Federal Communications Commission has asked the D.C. Circuit to not pause certain elements of a new FCC order, including caps on phone call rates correctional facilities can charge, saying the rule is entirely reasonable and in the public interest.

  5. February 08, 2016

    CenturyLink Seeks To Stay FCC Rate Caps On Inmate Calls

    CenturyLink Public Communications Inc. has asked the D.C. Circuit to pause rate caps imposed by the Federal Communications Commission on inmate calling services, saying CenturyLink and other ICS providers would be irreparably harmed if the court does not pause the caps before they start taking effect in March.

  6. January 27, 2016

    Inmate Calling Co. Asks DC Circ. To Stay New FCC Rules

    A pair of inmate calling services providers asked the D.C. Circuit on Wednesday to pause certain rate caps and other changes adopted by the Federal Communications Commission amid pending legal challenges, saying ICS providers are likely to convince the court that the measures were beyond the agency's authority and should be overturned.

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