The Few, The Proud, The Forgotten et al v. United States Department of Veterans Affairs

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Case Number:




Nature of Suit:

Freedom of Information Act


Victor A. Bolden


  1. August 15, 2019

    VA Must Reveal Names In FOIA Fight Over Benefits Denials

    The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs must reveal the names of the subject matter experts reviewing benefits claims from veterans who may have been exposed to contaminated water at a North Carolina military base, a Connecticut federal judge held on Wednesday.

  2. January 30, 2017

    VA Search For Tainted-Water Docs Inadequate, Vets Say

    Veterans groups urged a Connecticut federal court Friday to reject the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' bid to gut their suit for information on the disposition of disability claims connected to contaminated military base water, saying the agency has done a shoddy document search.

  3. April 28, 2016

    Vet Groups Sue VA Seeking Water Contamination Benefit Docs

    The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is dragging its feet on handing over records on a program that veterans groups say has been giving Marines and their families who lived on a military base with a contaminated water supply short shrift on their disability benefits, the groups said in a suit filed Wednesday.

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