President and Fellows of Harvard College v. Micron Technology, Inc.

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Case Number:




Nature of Suit:



William G. Young



Sectors & Industries:

  1. November 30, 2017

    Harvard, Micron Tech IP Suit Moved In Light Of TC Heartland

    A Boston federal judge on Thursday relocated Harvard College's suit against Micron Technology over computer technology patents after a Federal Circuit ruling tossed his earlier decision and resolved a jurisdictional debate nagging judges nationwide.

  2. November 28, 2017

    Harvard Says Micron Forfeited Venue Args In Tech IP Case

    Harvard is fighting to keep a patent lawsuit against Micron Technology Inc. in Massachusetts after the Federal Circuit gave new life to the company's argument the case should be heard elsewhere, with the college arguing Monday that Micron had forfeited its ability to challenge venue and was stalling.

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