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July 08, 2016
ESML Holdings Inc.
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Klehr Harrison
- Morris James
- Pierson Ferdinand LLP
- Duane Morris
- Potter Anderson
- Fabyanske Westra
- Pachulski Stang
- Burnham Law
- Benesch
- Kennedys Law LLP
- Stoel Rives
- Richards Layton
- Johnson Killen
- Womble Bond
- McGrann Shea
- Cole Schotz
- Morrison Cohen
- Landis Rath
- Ballard Spahr
- Shipman & Goodwin
- Faegre Drinker
- Dentons
- Clark Hill
- Glenn Agre
- Bryan Cave
- Kohner Mann
- Kutak Rock
- Connolly Gallagher
- Hanft Fride
- Caplin & Drysdale
- Bielli & Klauder
- Powell Firm
- Sullivan Hazeltine
- Quinn Emanuel
- Saul Ewing
- Kasowitz Benson
- Morris Nichols
- Polsinelli PC
- Hinckley Allen
- Macauley LLC
- Monzack Mersky
- Bailey Duquette
- Ashby & Geddes
- Hogan McDaniel
- Cozen O'Connor
- Taft Stettinius
- Streusand Landon
- Dorsey & Whitney
- Weil Gotshal
- Baker McKenzie
- Lowenstein Sandler
- Jones Day
- Curtin & Heefner
- Young Conaway
- Cross & Simon
- Jenner & Block
- GrayRobinson
- White & Case
- Schneider Electric
- Starr International Co. Inc.
- U.S. Bancorp
- Wilmington Trust Corp.
- Metso Oyj
- Lexicon
- American Megatrends International LLC
- HealthPartners Inc.
- TR Capital Management LLC
- American Bank of the North
- ArcelorMittal
- ICICI Bank Ltd.
- Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.
- Border States Industries Inc.
- Barr Engineering Co.
- ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
- Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
- FLSmidth & Co. AS
Government Agencies
- Minnesota Department of Health
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
- Minnesota Department of Transportation
- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
September 06, 2024
Cleveland-Cliffs Faces Trial Over Mining Co.'s Antitrust Claims
A Delaware bankruptcy court has partially allowed claims accusing steelmaking giant Cleveland-Cliffs of engaging in anticompetitive behavior that harmed a mining venture's efforts to complete an iron mine and ore plant in northern Minnesota to go to trial by a jury in federal court.
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