Ramirez v. Exxon Mobil Corporation et al

  1. February 24, 2025

    Investors Don't Have 'Shred' Of Fraud Evidence, Exxon Says

    Exxon Mobil Corp. has told a Texas federal judge that an investor class doesn't have a "shred of evidence" that the company engaged in the stock inflation scheme the investors allege.

  2. August 22, 2023

    Exxon Investors Net Reduced-Class Cert. In Carbon Proxy Suit

    A Texas federal judge has granted certification to a group of Exxon Mobil Corp. investors who claim the oil giant artificially inflated its stock prices, but the judge significantly reduced the class period after finding Exxon had "sufficiently rebutted" allegations related to carbon proxy costs.

  3. April 01, 2022

    Exxon's NY Climate Trial Win Can't Doom Texas Securities Suit

    A Texas federal judge said Thursday he won't rethink orders denying Exxon Mobil Corp.'s bids to toss a putative securities class action alleging that the oil giant artificially inflated its stock prices, rejecting Exxon's arguments that the investors' case is "irrevocably tied" to a dismissed New York case over climate change.

  4. October 19, 2021

    Judge Asks Exxon Why Nixed NY Suit Also Dooms Texas Row

    A Texas federal judge on Tuesday questioned Exxon Mobil Corp.'s assertion that a New York state court's decision clearing the company from accusations it concealed what it knew about climate change knowledge requires him to dismiss a Lone Star State shareholder suit alleging the company artificially inflated its stock prices.

  5. August 03, 2020

    Exxon Says NY Climate Trial Win Dooms Texas Investors' Suit

    Exxon Mobil Corp. has urged a Texas federal court to toss a putative securities fraud class action accusing the oil giant of concealing its climate change knowledge, arguing the lead plaintiff "irrevocably tied its fate" to a dismissed New York action.

  6. April 22, 2019

    Exxon Says Investors In Climate Suit Should Be Denied Cert.

    Exxon Mobil Corp. has urged a Texas federal court to deny class certification to investors alleging the energy giant hid its knowledge of climate change costs, arguing the alleged misrepresentations did not affect the company's stock price.

  7. November 05, 2018

    Exxon Loses 2nd Shot At Slipping Investors' Climate Suit

    A Texas federal judge on Monday rejected Exxon Mobil Corp's request for reconsideration of his decision to let a putative securities fraud class action claiming the oil giant hid its climate change knowledge go forward and also denied the company's' bid to have the matter immediately appealed.

  8. October 03, 2018

    Exxon Investors Fight Oil Co.'s 2nd Bid To Ditch Climate Suit

    Investors urged a Texas federal court to deny Exxon Mobil Corp.'s request to take a second look at the court's decision to advance the bulk of a proposed securities fraud class action alleging the oil giant concealed its climate change knowledge.

  9. September 12, 2018

    Exxon Says Investors' Climate Suit Can't Prove Execs' Mindset

    Exxon Mobil Corp. has asked a Texas federal judge to rethink his decision to let investors proceed with a putative class action that accuses the oil giant of hiding its climate change knowledge, arguing the complaint lacked evidence of the executives' mindsets when the allegedly misleading statements were made.

  10. August 14, 2018

    Exxon Investors' Climate Suit Beats Dismissal Bid

    A Texas federal judge denied Exxon Mobil Corp.'s bid to nix a putative securities fraud class action accusing the oil giant of concealing its climate change knowledge, ruling Tuesday that investors sufficiently pled alleged misstatements and mostly met the heightened pleading standard for bringing the suit.

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