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United States v. Coinbase, Inc.
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November 30, 2017
Coinbase Must Give Info To IRS For Transactions Over $20K
A California federal judge on Wednesday handed the Internal Revenue Service a partial win in the agency's bid to seek records from Coinbase Inc., saying the virtual currency exchange must hand over information on accounts with transactions of greater than $20,000.
August 04, 2017
Coinbase Gets Support From 3 Groups In IRS Summons Spat
The Competitive Enterprise Institute and two digital currency advocacy groups asked a California federal court Thursday to let them support Coinbase Inc.'s challenge to an IRS summons that seeks customer names and other information from the virtual currency exchange company, calling the request overbroad.
July 19, 2017
Coinbase User Allowed To Challenge IRS Records Request
A California federal judge Tuesday allowed a John Doe Coinbase user to join a challenge against an IRS summons that seeks customer names and other information from the virtual currency exchange company, slamming the government's arguments as nonsensical and ruling that the anonymous individual has a protected interest at stake.
May 25, 2017
Third Coinbase User Opposes IRS Bid As 'Fishing Expedition'
A third anonymous Coinbase customer sought Wednesday to jump into the fray opposing the IRS' California federal court summons enforcement bid seeking customer names and other information from the virtual currency exchange company, warning of an unconstitutionally intrusive "fishing expedition."
May 22, 2017
Feds Oppose Coinbase User Intervention In IRS Summons
The federal government told a California federal judge Friday that it opposes a bid by two anonymous Coinbase customers to intervene in an effort to enforce an Internal Revenue Service summons seeking customer names and other information from the virtual currency exchange company, but doesn't take issue with their request to remain unidentified in the process.
May 17, 2017
Coinbase Users Move To Stay Unnamed, Quash IRS Summons
A pair of anonymous Coinbase customers have asked a California federal court to allow them to remain unidentified and to intervene in an IRS effort to enforce a summons for customer names, data and correspondence from the virtual currency exchange company.
March 17, 2017
IRS Files Suit To Force Coinbase To Produce Client Info
The IRS filed a court petition Thursday to enforce a summons for client information from Coinbase Inc., an information demand that the virtual currency exchange company and one of its customers, a Berns Weiss LLP attorney, had sought to quash.