Procopio v. Wilkie

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Case overview

Case Number:



Appellate - Federal Circuit

Nature of Suit:

  1. June 05, 2019

    DOJ Won't Fight 'Blue Water' Vietnam Vet Benefits

    The U.S. Department of Justice told the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday it doesn't plan to appeal a landmark Federal Circuit decision earlier this year extending benefits to so-called Blue Water Vietnam War veterans exposed to Agent Orange offshore.

  2. January 29, 2019

    Full Fed. Circ. OKs Benefits For 'Blue Water' Vietnam Vets

    A full panel of the Federal Circuit ruled Tuesday that U.S. Navy veterans who served offshore during the Vietnam War are entitled to benefits for diseases linked to Agent Orange, finding that the territorial waters of Vietnam count as part of the country under a benefit law.

  3. August 16, 2018

    VA Agent Orange Policy Fight To Get Full Fed Circ. Hearing

    The full Federal Circuit on Thursday agreed to consider whether the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has wrongly excluded "blue water" Navy veterans from benefits related to exposure to the notorious defoliant Agent Orange during the Vietnam War, roughly a decade after a court panel had backed the agency's stance.

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