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Epistar Corporation v. Lowes Companies, Inc et al
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September 20, 2023
Jury Says Lowe's Owes $1.8M In LED Patent Damages Retrial
Lowe's should have to pay nearly $1.8 million in royalties to Epistar for infringing its lighting technology patents, a California federal jury determined in a damages retrial, which puts the home improvement retail chain on the hook for slightly less than a previous jury found.
October 06, 2022
$2.1M Damages Award Axed After Lowe's LED Patent Trial
A California federal judge has vacated a jury verdict forcing Lowe's to pay $2.1 million in damages for infringing patent owner Epistar's lighting technology, determining that licensing agreements cited by Epistar during the trial did not reflect built-in apportionment.
April 26, 2022
Lowe's Asks Judge To Shut Off $2.1M LED Bulb Patent Verdict
Lowe's Home Improvement asked a California federal judge at a hearing Tuesday to vacate a jury's verdict that it owes $2.12 million for selling LED lightbulbs that infringed three Epistar Corp. patents, and urged that two of the patents be invalidated as obvious.
December 08, 2021
Lowe's Hit With $2.1M Jury Verdict In LED IP Trial
A California federal jury has found that home improvement retailer Lowe's infringed three LED patents held by Taiwan-based Epistar Corp. and owes more than $2.1 million in damages.
June 14, 2021
Lowe's Fights Bid To Delay IP Trial Amid COVID-19 Concerns
Lowe's fired back on Monday at a bid by Taiwan-based Epistar to delay a California trial over its LED patents because COVID-19 cases in Taiwan are spiking, saying Epistar failed to explain what has changed since it told the court in late April that it would be ready for a summer trial.