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August 08, 2017
Curling et al v. Raffensperger et al
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
- Altshuler Berzon
- Bruce P. Brown Law
- Business Litigation Group
- Chalmers Adams Backer
- Cheeley Law Group
- Clark Hill
- Daniels & Tredennick
- Duane Morris
- Freeman Mathis
- Goodwin Procter
- Hall Booth
- Harding Law Firm LLC
- Haynie Litchfield
- Holcomb & Ward
- Holland & Knight
- Ichter Davis
- Jackson Walker LLP
- Jarrard & Davis
- Jones Walker
- Krevolin & Horst
- Lehotsky Keller
- Morrison Foerster
- Parker Daniels Kibort
- Parker Hudson
- Parker Poe
- Parks Chesin
- Pierson Law LLC
- Robbins Alloy
- Sandler Reiff
- Smith Gambrell
- Squire Patton
- Steptoe LLP
- Strickland Brockington
- Sugarman Law
- Talley Richardson
- Taylor English
- Troutman
- Vedder Price
- Waldon Adelman
- Watts Law Firm
- Wilson Elser
- Winter Capriola
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
February 01, 2024
Voter Confidence In 2024 At Issue As Ga. Election Trial Wraps
A monthlong trial over the integrity of Georgia's elections wrapped up Thursday in Atlanta with state officials arguing that switching from Dominion ballot-marking devices would fuel election deniers ahead of the 2024 presidential election, while voter plaintiffs said their trust is already broken by the state's use of the machines.
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