Nicopure Labs, LLC, et al v. FDA, et al

  1. December 10, 2019

    FDA's E-Cigarette Regulations Upheld By DC Circ.

    The D.C. Circuit on Tuesday shot down a challenge to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's regulations on e-cigarettes, saying it's not unconstitutional for the agency to bar claims that e-cigarettes are safer than traditional tobacco until manufacturers have shown that they are.

  2. May 04, 2018

    FDA Fights Challenges To E-Cig Regulations In DC Circ.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration defended its regulation of electronic cigarettes under the scope of the Tobacco Control Act, telling the D.C. Circuit that it's not unconstitutional to require such products to be reviewed before hitting the market.

  3. February 21, 2018

    DC Circuit Urged To Knock Down FDA E-Cig Rule

    The D.C. Circuit received pressure Tuesday to overturn parts of a U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulation that brought electronic cigarettes under the reign of the Tobacco Control Act, with a series of amici claiming there are serious First Amendment and public safety risks at play.

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