Temsa Ulasim Araclari Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. v. CH Bus Sales LLC

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Case overview

Case Number:




Nature of Suit:

Contract: Other


Richard G. Andrews


  1. August 22, 2019

    Turkish Bus Co., US Distributor End Contract Payment Row

    A Delaware federal judge on Wednesday signed off on an agreement reached between a Turkish bus manufacturer and its U.S. distributor that ends a contract dispute by having the American company turn over several dozen motor coaches and spare parts that it had allegedly not paid for in full.

  2. June 26, 2018

    Turkish Bus Co. Says $14M Contract Row Can Be Arbitrated

    A Turkish bus manufacturer said Monday that it can arbitrate a $13.9 million dispute with its U.S. distributor pursuant to an agreement between the companies while also pursuing separate litigation over an alleged contract breach, urging a Delaware federal court to deny the American company's motion to enjoin the arbitration.

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