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June 06, 2018
In re Facebook, Inc., Consumer Privacy User Profile Litigation
Case Number:
Nature of Suit:
Multi Party Litigation:
Multi-district Litigation
- Ahdoot & Wolfson
- Atlas Consumer Law
- Barnow & Associates
- Bathaee Dunne
- Beasley Allen
- Beckage Firm
- Bleichmar Fonti
- Block & Leviton
- Blood Hurst
- BraunHagey & Borden
- Carella Byrne
- Carney Bates
- Casey Gerry
- Cherian LLP
- Clark Hill
- Coblentz Patch
- Cohen Milstein
- Cotchett Pitre
- Cross & Simon
- Cuneo Gilbert
- Dechert LLP
- DiCello Levitt
- Edelson PC
- Eisner LLP
- Ellzey & Associates
- FeganScott
- Fields Han
- Finkelstein Thompson
- Freedman Boyd
- Gibbs Law Group
- Gibson Dunn
- Goldstein Borgen
- Gustafson Gluek
- Hagens Berman
- Hartley LLP
- Kazerouni Law Group
- Keller Rohrback
- Kellogg Hansen
- King & Spalding
- Levi & Korsinsky
- Lewis & Llewellyn
- Lieff Cabraser
- Lober & Dobson
- Lockridge Grindal
- Lynch Carpenter
- Mandelbaum Barrett
- Maynard Nexsen
- Milbank LLP
- Mintz Levin
- Montgomery Ponder
- Morgan & Morgan
- Morris Sullivan & Lemkul
- Motley Rice
- Murphy Falcon
- Murray Law Firm LLC
- Phillips Erlewine
- Power Rogers
- Robbins Geller
- Ross Aronstam
- Saltz Mongeluzzi
- Saul Ewing
- Schneider Wallace
- Schneider Wallace Cottrell Konecky LLP
- Schonbrun Seplow
- Seeger Weiss
- Siri & Glimstad
- Stueve Siegel
- Tycko & Zavareei
- Vernia Law Firm
- Vlahakis Law Group
- Wade Kilpela
- Zimmerman Reed
Sectors & Industries:
View recent docket activity
Reflects complaints, answers, motions, orders and trial notes entered from Jan. 1, 2011.
Additional or older documents may be available in Pacer.
November 03, 2023
Meta Pays Interest For Delay In Funding $725M Privacy Pact
Meta missed a deadline to fund a $725 million settlement with Facebook users to resolve privacy claims over the Cambridge Analytica data harvesting scandal, so the social media giant agreed to fork over additional money for lost interest, according to documents filed in California federal court Friday.
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