Estate of Wayne A. Jones v. City of Martinsburg, WV

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Case Number:



Appellate - 4th Circuit

Nature of Suit:

3440 Other Civil Rights

  1. June 12, 2020

    4th Circ. Cop Immunity Ruling Seen As Potential Turning Point

    The Fourth Circuit's recent decision to revive a police brutality suit has given civil rights attorneys hope that other courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, may be willing to take another look at so-called qualified immunity shielding police officers.

  2. June 09, 2020

    'This Has To Stop,' 4th Circ. Says In Qualified Immunity Ruling

    A Fourth Circuit panel on Tuesday upended a West Virginia federal court's decision to cite the doctrine of qualified immunity in granting a quick victory to the city of Martinsburg in a case over an allegedly wrongful police killing, with the appellate judges declaring, "This has to stop."

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