State of New York v. United States Department of Ju

  1. July 13, 2020

    2nd Circ. Says Justices Need To Settle Grant Funding Dispute

    Second Circuit judges said Monday that the U.S. Supreme Court needs to decide whether the Justice Department can place immigration enforcement conditions on federal grant funding to states, after denying a request for a full-court rehearing on the issue.

  2. May 14, 2020

    Cities Ask 2nd Circ. To Rethink Immigration Ties On Grants

    More than 30 local governments and nine public health experts urged a full Second Circuit on Thursday to reconsider its ruling on immigration restrictions on federal funding, arguing that keeping immigrants' trust is crucial, especially now during the coronavirus pandemic.

  3. May 12, 2020

    2nd Circ.'s Immigration Ruling Harms Federalism, Profs Warn

    Law professors pressed the full Second Circuit to review its ruling allowing the Trump administration to tie immigration enforcement conditions to federal grant money, arguing the decision risks upending federalism and the separation of powers.

  4. February 26, 2020

    2nd Circ. Approves Immigration Conditions On Grant Funds

    The Second Circuit held Wednesday that the Trump administration can withhold millions in federal grant money from New York City and seven states unless they cooperate with immigration authorities, reversing a New York federal judge's decision and splitting the circuits.

  5. April 18, 2019

    Tying Police Funds To Migrant Policy Is Illegal, 2nd Circ. Told

    New York City and seven states urged the Second Circuit Wednesday to uphold their successful block of the Trump administration's bid to tie immigration enforcement measures to federal law enforcement grants, arguing the policy is an unconstitutional executive overreach.

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